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Chi 'Sub'

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Hello everybody!

Yes yes, people will shout at me for the title ' Chi 'Sub' ', and go ahead, you're absolutely right.
Although, when you do that, it means you haven't read the suggestion! What I'm suggesting is obviously not a 'sub-element' for chi, since chi is not an element. It's hard to explain, just read it ;)

Let's take 'Bob123' for example. Bob123 is a water bender. When someone types /b w Bob123, this shows up:

These are water sub elements.
Now, what I'm suggesting is this could be for chi:

(Couldn't get the spaces right)
A chi blocker would need this 'sub' to use, for example, Smokescreen!

It would also add a bit diversity to chi!

Well, that's it! Leave suggestions! :)

- Finn


Verified Member
Um.......I was thinking about have a chiblockers having a "Ninja" element like Mai.


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I like this idea, but to make chi like the other elements, (yes I'm think of chi as an element atm) the name should be yellow, not gold. Like in your picture of waterbender, the element is the lighter color, the sub the darker. So where it says Chiblocker, that should be yellow and the sub you suggested be gold. Probably a suggestion for another thread, but only if this is added.


Verified Member
Mai wasn't a Chiblocker (I might be wrong?????, I think she was just good at Martial Arts)

That is another suggestion for another thread though.

Because I am all for increased customization with permissions, Looking Into!
I know she wasn't a chiblocker, but I consider her as a ninja... I want ninja...
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