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Ingame Ability-Creator Plugin


Verified Member
Anybody else like an idea of a PK Add-On which allows you to make an element ability in-game? For example:

/bending ability create air AirFart
(/bending ability create [element] [ability name])

then you will be in the stage where you create it..

This would set the damage when hit:
/bending ability AirFart setdamage 2.0
(/bending ability [ability name] setdamage [damage])

Choosing what particle would be used:

/bending ability AirFart particle whitesmoke
(/bending ability [ability name] [particle])

This will determine the position of the move.
/bending ability AirFart position back
(/bending ability [ability name] position [back, front, up, down])

This will make you shape the particle effects:
/bending ability particleshape AirFart
(/bending ability particleshape [ability name])

How many blocks will the opponent be pushed:
/bending ability AirFart knockback 3
/bending ability [ability name] knockback
(Then a chest will appear in your inventory, you place it
and use the chest slots as a Particle Shape Creator.)

It would be only for staff in a server, players cannot access it.



Verified Member
This would be cool, But really isn't to realistic due to the fact a lot of coding and effort go into the moves we see now.


Verified Member
Just no, making something like this requires way to much time, if you want to make abilities just learn to code

Also, the description you just gave is way to small. It only allows to make dash abilities
And you also cant controll how high the "up" position is. And how would you make fire moves with burn effects, or water/earth moves?

If you want to make custom moves, download MagicSpells, endless possibilities


Staff member
This actually isn't impossible to do, however, it is not something I'm interested in doing and here is why:

1) Abilities, good ones anyway, do take a lot of time and are far more complex than we could get commands to do.
2) There are resources available for you to use to learn how to do it yourself. If you can't, custom ability API exists for a reason.