Heavy style: Practitioners include; combustion man, Iroh, Zhao, Jeong Jeong.
Medium style: Practitioners include;
Azula, Zuko, Korra outside probending.
Light style: Practitioners Include;
Mako, Most probenders.
Heavy Playstyle; Slow, little/slow to no firejet, burn damage, large damage, defensive, little knock back.
Medium Playstyle; Long bursts of fire jet, slow firejet, can use medium power fire blasts with some degree of speed, good knock back.
Light Playstyle; Fast, Quick fast short erratic bursts of firejet, able to strike down projectiles with ease with fireballs, otherwise little defense, multiple low powered fireballs at one time that do little damage and slight burn damage in half of all fireballs, little knock back.
And remember, Practically any argument against this can work just as well as any argument against the water classes.