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Earth Crush

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Verified Member
Earth crush is a move similar to Earth Line, but a lot different at the same time.

Earth Crush

When using earth crush you propel a large amount of earth in a line, getting larger as it proceeds. When hit by this move you receive a mild knock back, while also taking damage.

How it works

Left click to send a large amount of earth at a player. The move follows your cursor until it reaches its max length.

Things to know

Cool down: 8 seconds
Warm up: none
Damage: 2 hearts
Knockback: ~ 7 blocks
Range: Minimum, 15 blocks Maximum, 25 blocks

Visual details

(Not exact, but still looking for the GIF I saw of it earlier)
Example of animation (Following cursor, so it was curved)

Comments & questions below. Anything could be changed, because the idea isn't 100% complete. This was really somethin I had in my head, and needed to get out.
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Verified Member
Love this idea and I think I might do this for my next move , I'm going to use falling blocks instead tho xP.


Verified Member
Love this idea and I think I might do this for my next move , I'm going to use falling blocks instead tho xP.
This move shouldn't be done with falling blocks in my opinion. For three reasons though: 1. Why is every earthmove now-a-days done with falling blocks?! 2. This move should be done with normal blocks and should be able to be controlled. 3. If you do it with falling blocks, it would just look like a bigger version of EarthLine. This move should be done EXACTLY how it is in the screenshot and should be controlled with the cursor.
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