More fixes / changes. This dev build has a few days of work put into it. Again, don't expect rapid fire releases of dev builds throughout the week. Due to school / other commitments I can get things done primarily on the weekends.
- Airbending Changes
- Complete rewrite of Suffocate's code, should be a bit more efficient, any performance changes will be minimal though and hard to notice.
- Suffocate will now clear if the target is too far away.
- Suffocate will no longer work if the target is in water.
- Players can now turn while in Suffocate, they just can't move from block to block.
- Waterbending Changes
- HealingWaters will not heal the potion effects from Smokescreen.
- Earthbending Changes
- Earthbending should never revert if the config file tells it not to revert.
- Firebending Changes
- Added a playFirebendingParticles method for developers.