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Denied (For all benders) chi bending

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I watch the show, why not pay attention in the show because It did show proof of energy
Chi is just the energy network in a bender's body which allows them to bend. It doesn't run out or have to regenerate. Chiblockers block the paths of chi in someone, stopping the flow of it. Chi is not Chakra from Naruto. Watch both Avatar series. bruh


Verified Member
Hmm I think I get it but I really can't explain it, but the way I see it, I really don't know the difference in normal impact effect and the way you mean by bending chi.
Do you mean from the Naruto were the Hyuuga clan lets say they are the chi blockers (#they basically are), and that they have abilities (#spoilers)like divine palm and fun stuff like that. Exept for the eye.


Verified Member
Hmm I think I get it but I really can't explain it, but the way I see it, I really don't know the difference in normal impact effect and the way you mean by bending chi.
Do you mean from the Naruto were the Hyuuga clan lets say they are the chi blockers (#they basically are), and that they have abilities (#spoilers)like divine palm and fun stuff like that. Exept for the eye.
Actually the Hyuga clan's martial art is based off of baguazhang, which is the martial art behind air bending. You can see it in that baguazhang, airbending, and the gentle fist rotation style have elements of circle walking in them. For details on the actual martial arts behind the elements I have a link to a page I made in my signature, first link.


Verified Member
Hmm I think I get it but I really can't explain it, but the way I see it, I really don't know the difference in normal impact effect and the way you mean by bending chi.
Do you mean from the Naruto were the Hyuuga clan lets say they are the chi blockers (#they basically are), and that they have abilities (#spoilers)like divine palm and fun stuff like that. Exept for the eye.
#whythehashtagsthisisnttwitterandorinstagrampleasestopicrieverytim They are very different.


Verified Member
Hmm I think I get it but I really can't explain it, but the way I see it, I really don't know the difference in normal impact effect and the way you mean by bending chi.
Do you mean from the Naruto were the Hyuuga clan lets say they are the chi blockers (#they basically are), and that they have abilities (#spoilers)like divine palm and fun stuff like that. Exept for the eye.
NARUTO ISN'T CANNON!!!!!!!! @Pickle9775


Verified Member
Unlike you, I have a life and don't sit around at my computer waiting for people to reply to a forum.
Btw I hope @owlcool that you didn't saw the video you have in your signature (Sad Legend of Korra Song) right after you watched the last episode of Lok like I did ;-;
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Verified Member
There is there is chi,Aang and katara used it in the drill episode when trying to "hit the drills pressure points" and many times got tiered and ran out of enough chi
And Korra used this many times, especially when doing the spirit healing.

Plus, ik that bending isn't pokèmon or wizards, it's martial arts and a little fantasy put in.
This is like the kid that thought smokebending was a thing.
They only used that as an analogy to how to take down something so huge like that. Pressure points.


Verified Member
Yup. I grow tired of people trying to implement things from Naruto in this plugin. They're separate things. They have different lore, logic, origin of country, and are just very different in general. We would do well to keep them separate.
There are people who take realistic stuff and ask for it to be added, to bring a little more balance, but meh. If the only source of inspiration that is ok to you is cannon stuff then are you against taking martial arts for inspiration? Are you against watching water or fire for inspiration? It really is simple stuff, lightning and combustion are really the worst subelements there are...So why would it be unrealistic to have a close ranged version of lightning, even if it did originate as an idea from something like naruto?
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