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Use: This is a blocking move that knocks the waterbender back, and encourages pursuit of the waterbender. This could be advantagous in a situation where you want to block a move, have limited water, and want to get you and your opponent into a nearby water source. This could be combined with surge by perhaps shift clicking on a water source, and then you click in the direction opposite to where you want to go. This would create a surge wave from 10 blocks away, going towards you. This would also block any attacks this surge wave happens to hit. This would have a long cooldown although, simply to balance things out.
Inspiration: When I first saw this, I thought of it as something that would just push you back and block things, and I just kept thinking about it and came up with this post.
Inspiration: When I first saw this, I thought of it as something that would just push you back and block things, and I just kept thinking about it and came up with this post.