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Denied Elemental Details

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Verified Member
Was this needed? As long as it's readable its accepted here on pk :D

The correction?
No, not at all. I just wanted to tell him.
Like i said, I was just helping.

It's when other people like me, read it, we read it and say, "what?" Or something like that.
It's helpful to know, that way people understand how to spell correctly, so they're understood.

Spelling is not a big issue however, I just don't like reading it, as it was.
It's bothering. No, it was not understandable at all. Of course i knew what he was saying.
It's just that when you read it the incorrect way, It bothers me.

So i just wanted to help, that way he'd know and could correct him self.
I've been trying to get better at grammar, so if i can help, then it shouldn't be a big deal.

I wouldn't want anyone who is childish to make fun of someones incorrect spelling,
Since some people make it such a big deal.

I however, was not trying to make this a big deal and I'm sorry if it seems that way, as of now,
I'm just trying to get my point across.



Verified Member
The correction?
No, not at all. I just wanted to tell him.
Like i said, I was just helping.

It's when other people like me, read it, we read it and say, "what?" Or something like that.
It's helpful to know, that way people understand how to spell correctly, so they're understood.

Spelling is not a big issue however, I just don't like reading it, as it was.
It's bothering. No, it was not understandable at all. Of course i knew what he was saying.
It's just that when you read it the incorrect way, It bothers me.

So i just wanted to help, that way he'd know and could correct him self.
I've been trying to get better at grammar, so if i can help, then it shouldn't be a big deal.

I wouldn't want anyone who is childish to make fun of someones incorrect spelling,
Since some people make it such a big deal.

I however, was not trying to make this a big deal and I'm sorry if it seems that way, as of now,
I'm just trying to get my point across.

Taiko must think god is in this post.


Verified Member
Should I? XD what I meant was when something is detailed it gets better. I am sorry if I bring religious to the forum, I didn't know it was against the rules.
Nah, it isn't against the rules or anything, but nobody likes to see it, especially when you have somewhat misleading thread names like this one's. Just expect to be ridiculed if you try to be religious on projectkorra.


Verified Member
Nah, it isn't against the rules or anything, but nobody likes to see it, especially when you have somewhat misleading thread names like this one's. Just expect to be ridiculed if you try to be religious on projectkorra.
Racism, Sexism, Bigotry, Religion Bashing, Bashing others for political views, or any other sort of prejudicial comments are strictly prohibited.


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Racism, Sexism, Bigotry, Religion Bashing, Bashing others for political views, or any other sort of prejudicial comments are strictly prohibited.
There is a difference between pushing religious views on other people, and making fun of people for making misleading titles like this, "All in the name of some God" because nobody likes seeing that. You don't need to push it, saying God is in the Details, or anything like that. All you need to say is something like elemental details, and it won't be a invitation to be made fun of for being overly religious. We aren't bashing religions, we are bashing people that overuse religions. If you use that same logic, then we can't bash hitler for believing that god blessed him to kill jews. Your logic is f***ed up.
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Verified Member
If I say "Oh my God!", am I being religious?
No, complimenting someone by saying, God has blessed your hair today, is religious. When you are going out of your way to say phases outside both the bible, and usually not on the internet or in real life, is being overly religious. Saying a loud prayer on the internet saying that you hope someone gets stuck outside in acid rain, is being overly religious. The main reason saying "Oh my God!" has become not religious is because it has been uttered thousands of times, by people not even religious, and has become an equivalent to uttering a fake cuss word for example. I have a feeling that you were just trying to be a troll, but I pretty much answered your question. Namely the whole point of making fun of religious people is to prevent them from becoming Hitler, saying crap like, God Has Blessed Us In Killing The Jews and the Homosexuals!!! Obviously!!! If you don't want to become Hitler(Or one of his underlings), I suggest you to stop being overly religious.
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Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
I don't want to be rude, but you haven't said anything about the thread itself.
If I want to say stuff about God, Buddha or Muhhamad, I will do it, even if people like it or not. They are my beliefs and no one has the right of push down others' thought. Now, we have an example of that nazism-situation example you gave to us in the show. Unalaq said "The spirits this, the spirits that". No one complained about that.What is overly religious. The religious people are people that believe in something. I hope you are not expecting me to believe in God only twice a day, that it's only when I am away from judgement. There is no such thing as being over religious. Or you ARE religious, or you ARE NOT. I already said what was the meaning of "God is in the details". As you said it,
The main reason saying "Oh my God!" has become not religious is because it has been uttered thousands of times, by people not even religious, and has become an equivalent to uttering a fake cuss word for example.
Is "God is in the details" also one of these cases?
I don't want you to answer me about this topic any longer. I'm tired of this confusion that only started with the title of the thread.
From now I will only post to replies to the thread's content.
Have a good day, sir.


Verified Member
I don't want to be rude, but you haven't said anything about the thread itself.
If I want to say stuff about God, Buddha or Muhhamad, I will do it, even if people like it or not. They are my beliefs and no one has the right of push down others' thought. Now, we have an example of that nazism-situation example you gave to us in the show. Unalaq said "The spirits this, the spirits that". No one complained about that.What is overly religious. The religious people are people that believe in something. I hope you are not expecting me to believe in God only twice a day, that it's only when I am away from judgement. There is no such thing as being over religious. Or you ARE religious, or you ARE NOT. I already said what was the meaning of "God is in the details". As you said it,

Is "God is in the details" also one of these cases?
I don't want you to answer me about this topic any longer. I'm tired of this confusion that only started with the title of the thread.
From now I will only post to replies to the thread's content.
Have a good day, sir.
You can say what you want, and you do have the freedom of religion. That is true, however when you start inflicting that will onto other people, in completely unrelated terms, it stops being a right, and it becomes a responsibility for you to stop yourself from losing your freedoms. There is a thing as being overly religious. Would you assassinate the president if the stars lined up correctly? Would you bomb the white house if your religion demands it? That is overly religious, Would you be against a religion if it is simply not mentioned in your religion? That is the equivalent of what homophobic people do, all they do is take religions and if there isn't a reference to it they assume it is bad. There is such a thing as being overly religious, but not underly religious. The difference being with the spirits is that it isn't referencing any one particular religion in a good or bad way, it is a childs television show where even if there were references the viewers wouldn't understand them. Lets look at what each and every villain is a reference to, shall we?

Freedom is a good passion, but too much of it leads to anarchy.
Equality is a good thing, but not when people are pushed to be equals in the same skill areas, when in reality one is much more skilled then the other.
Unity is a good thing, but too much of it and it can lead to a government that simply has too much power.
Finally, Spirituality. At first it can be a good thing, leading to connections among people, and things like that, but when too much of it is applied, there will eventually be discrimination among different religions, people, and it can also lead to people that are so called, "Less Spiritual" to be oppressed. There is such a thing as too much religion, there can be too much freedom, there can be too much unity, and there can be to much equality. There simply is always going to be too much of a good thing, and too little of a bad thing. Now how is that a bad thing?

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
(I thought this was already over)
You are correct. There are limits. But there is also tolerance. I am not killing anyone, am I? I didn't destroy any public monument!
Tolerance is accepting that others can adopt different ways of living, being and thinking different from our own, except when these risk tolerance. By saying "God is in the details" I'm not forcing anyone to say, do, think, be or living the way I said, did, thought, been or lived. If this get you down, I apologize, it was not my goal, but you're being intolerant. You are not let me act the way I think correct, which, however, does not compromise other ways of being.

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
You can say what you want, and you do have the freedom of religion. That is true, however when you start inflicting that will onto other people, in completely unrelated terms, it stops being a right, and it becomes a responsibility for you to stop yourself from losing your freedoms. There is a thing as being overly religious. Would you assassinate the president if the stars lined up correctly? Would you bomb the white house if your religion demands it? That is overly religious, Would you be against a religion if it is simply not mentioned in your religion? That is the equivalent of what homophobic people do, all they do is take religions and if there isn't a reference to it they assume it is bad. There is such a thing as being overly religious, but not underly religious. The difference being with the spirits is that it isn't referencing any one particular religion in a good or bad way, it is a childs television show where even if there were references the viewers wouldn't understand them. Lets look at what each and every villain is a reference to, shall we?

Freedom is a good passion, but too much of it leads to anarchy.
Equality is a good thing, but not when people are pushed to be equals in the same skill areas, when in reality one is much more skilled then the other.
Unity is a good thing, but too much of it and it can lead to a government that simply has too much power.
Finally, Spirituality. At first it can be a good thing, leading to connections among people, and things like that, but when too much of it is applied, there will eventually be discrimination among different religions, people, and it can also lead to people that are so called, "Less Spiritual" to be oppressed. There is such a thing as too much religion, there can be too much freedom, there can be too much unity, and there can be to much equality. There simply is always going to be too much of a good thing, and too little of a bad thing. Now how is that a bad thing?
nice image, btw :D
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