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Denied I woul like a move where you shoot an ingot, when it hits a target it gives the person blindness

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Verified Member
This doesnt seem to provide much information. Is it chi, earth, fire, air, or water? What are the functions, and how do you use it? Im assuming this is a chi move, since no other element would really use a "poison dart", but it could be metal due to the ingot part. What is the name of this move? I believe there is a format you can use to suggest moves.

And @Gold and @JewFroJustin , no need to be sarcastic and joke like that, it appears to me he just joined today.


Verified Member
This doesnt seem to provide much information. Is it chi, earth, fire, air, or water? What are the functions, and how do you use it? Im assuming this is a chi move, since no other element would really use a "poison dart", but it could be metal due to the ingot part. What is the name of this move? I believe there is a format you can use to suggest moves.

And @Gold and @JewFroJustin , no need to be sarcastic and joke like that, it appears to me he just joined today.
Heheh, yeah I wasn't completely joking. I want this move, but I also know this guy from a server :p Just giving my support :D


Verified Member
I feel like if it would be added (which i actually hope it doesn't since it is a unnecessary idea and doesn't make sense logically)

It'd be a addon to @Blaze590 's metalshots(maybeevenasaeasteregg)? ;3
I don't think this would make it to core.


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It could be that you shoot an iron ingot at a player, it turns into a helmet on them, and then the player gets blindness because the ingot is acting as a blindfold. I think kuvira used this when fighting the earth rebels.


Verified Member
Remember when this happened?
Screen shot 2015-01-21 at 8.00.12 AM.png
Relatively sure he's referring to use the metalbending over eyes technique, I'm too lazy to find a gif right now.


Verified Member
I wouldn't mind if we got another cool metalbending move even if its a resource, And the whole metalbending metal around there eyes would be really cool!


Verified Member
Anything that gives blindness, I am against. No offense but I really hate not being able to see in bending fights, or my opponent not seeing either.


Verified Member
Anything that gives blindness, I am against. No offense but I really hate not being able to see in bending fights, or my opponent not seeing either.
i see you're point like smokescreen wasn't bad enough, But i'm also for it
(*is super confused*)


Verified Member
For chi-blockers it makes sense, since benders are ranged and chi isn't. Having a bender being able to blind another bender is just unfair. Not only once you are blinded you can't hide anymore, you also are completely vulnerable. Making you easy pickings for anyone fighting you.
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