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Denied I woul like a move where you shoot an ingot, when it hits a target it gives the person blindness

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Verified Member
Metal should stay with PvP, not the arena. Give it some better uses if you're out in the wild and some crazy bandit attacks with iron armor.


Verified Member
By the time you firebursted it'd already be on you @JewFroJustin
Yeah, the fireburst would be to protect from the bender getting too close. Plus fire could fire jet to get some more distance between themselves and the metal bender. This move could have a duration too, keeping it from staying on the target too long. Maybe, after the 6-ish second cooldown the iron ingot that you used against them would come shooting back towards you. Almost like the magnetization technique with metal clips except automatic to prevent the target form having blindness for too long. The user should also be able to tap shift and the iron returns. This way it has a manual and automatic return ability.


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I just find it cheap for a ranged attacker (earth) to have a blinding ability. Leave the blinding to chi.
Counter Point: Chi has a ranged Blinding ability. Plus we saw this in the first episode of book 4. I'm not saying that this is needed or anything, but if you checked out the thread that I linked, it has a really good suggestion for a change to metal clips. I think that this is one of the best ways to expand on metal bending at the time, and it makes sense. Each form of bending has it's own unique way that it can get out of tough situations, such as being blinded. With a duration this move could work well and not be too op. Plus this move can't be too long ranged unless you are some master sharpshooter and can land an iron ingot on someone's face from 20+ blocks away. That's just my opinion though ;)


Verified Member
I personally feel several effects could be given to metalclips by stemming from it in the form of combos, blindness being one of them.
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