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Denied CloudBending

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Element: Air and/or Water (Choose in the comments)
Description: In the show, it showed us some moments where Aang and Katara have been CloudBending. Like that time at the beginning of season 3 where Aang was surrounding Appa in a sphere of clouds because Sokka wanted to cloak themselves from any trouble when entering the fire nation.(Sorry, i couldn't find a GIF for this example.)
How to CloudBend: I know that clouds are like 150 blocks high from the ground, but the CloudBender should still be able to use the cloud to bend it from the ground. This is how the suggestion for CloudBending moves should go: you simply look at a cloud from above, they shift and left click to bring a bit of the cloud towards you and then let go of shift and the cloud will stay on the ground, then with the moves that are suggested will do the rest.
tumblr_m8695rLB4m1ry4zmyo1_500.gif tumblr_m8695rLB4m1ry4zmyo2_500.gif
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I'm not exactly sure how you'd bend minecraft clouds... They aren't entities that you can direct or even particles.. They're just there!


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That is assisted flight technically, Let go of your earthly tether, ya know Zaheer lifted himself up, them airbenders used clouds to fly


Verified Member
That is assisted flight technically, Let go of your earthly tether, ya know Zaheer lifted himself up, them airbenders used clouds to fly
I did NOT say CloudBending was for flight. Im just suggesting a sub-element for Air and/or Water. It will be nicer for Airbenders because Airbending still doesn't have a sub-element. And NO, suffocation is NOT a sub-element.


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Airbending has Spiritual Projection, Flight, and Breathbending...That's three subelements


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Airbending has Spiritual Projection, Flight, and Breathbending...That's three subelements
I was talking about in the ProjectKorra plugin. Spiritual Projection isn't something you can bend, flight isn't even bending, and Breathbending IS Airbending saying Breathbending isn't Airbending is like saying Firebreath is a sub-element to Firebending. ProjectKorra (Spirit) isn't even out so why are you talking about Airbenders already having Spiritual Projection, and there are no moves in the plugin for Airbending that have to do with your breath.


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Breathbending IS Airbending saying Breathbending isn't Airbending is like saying Firebreath is a sub-element to Firebending.
Nope. It's bending different gases so therefore not the same. It is airbending because it is a subelement.
ProjectKorra (Spirit) isn't even out so why are you talking about Airbenders already having Spiritual Projection,
Because the permission node is already there.
and there are no moves in the plugin for Airbending that have to do with your breath.


Verified Member
I wasn't saying that your suggestion was for flight, I was just clearing up technicalities. Also I wouldn't say breath bending is a sub as it's still just air that's being bent, flight is different to generic air bending, like fire is different to lightning generation.


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Doesn't matter if we have three subelements, gotta remember that projectkorra didn't make the show.
It doesn't choose what is canon and what is not, and from the looks of this, it is canon which gives a higher probability of it happening.

And i don't think it matters what you consider to be a subelement @White_Knight28

As for the idea, I don't think it's really needed considering you haven't stated any use for it what so ever, just that we should have it which is a bit unnecessary unless what your aiming towards is it creating a AOE of particles to blind your opponents which i think would be cool to look at, but would it really be needed?
I mean, The air particles as is already blind players enough :3
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