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AvatarState Combos

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Verified Member
These combos would only be accessible in the AvatarState.
Combo for Air (AvatarState)
Name: DeltaStream
Element: Air
Damage: 2 Damage for every second the player is caught in the air in the DeltaStream (1 heart)
Range: Same range as AirStream
How to use: AirShield (Tap Shift), Airburst (Hold Shift), Airswipe (Left-Click), Airblast (Left-Click) Doing the combo would make a horizontal line of air and the user can move it as long the user is shifting. Any player caught in the DeltaStream will be dealt 2 damage (1 heart) for every second they are in the air.
Why its not OP: It only does 1 heart a second and the user wouldnt be too much time shifting to kill you as the user could be ambushed.

Combo for Water (AvatarState)
Name: Primordial Sea
Element: Water
Damage: Same damage that standing in Lava does.
Range: Same as doing LavaFlow in the AvatarState.
How to use: Torrent (Hold Shift), PhaseChange (Left-Click), LavaFlow (Left-Click) Doing the combo would make a ring around you of water around you like LavaFlow but 2 blocks deep and made of Acid Water meaning its water that hurts you like lava. If a waterbender uses WaterSpout, the WaterSpout will also be infected with the acid that the Primordial Sea creates.
Why its not OP: Waterbenders can still do WaterSpout on it and Airbenders can still do Airspout on it.

Combo for Earth (AvatarState)
Name: Precipice Blades
Element: Earth
Damage: 8 Damage (4 Hearts)
Range: 15 Blocks
How to use: Shockwave (Hold Shift), EarthBlast (Left-Click), RaiseEarth (Left-Click) Doing the combo would make spikes of earth rise from the ground infront of you and will keep going for 15 blocks. Anyone hit by a blade with be dealt with 8 damage (4 hearts) and will go flying.
Why its not OP: It has terrible accuracy.

Combo for Fire (AvatarState)
Name: Desolate Land
Element: Fire
Range: Larger than doing a Lavaflow in the AvatarState
How to use: Fireshield (Tap Shift), Fireblast (Left-Click), LavaFlow (Tap Shift) Doing the combo would make a gigantic ring of sand around you (Larger than doing a Lavaflow in the AvatarState) and any one in that ring of sand that tries to waterbend, their waterbending will immediately evaporate.
Why its not OP: This only lasts 5 seconds.

I can already tell that the replies are going to say that the combos are going to be too OP, but AvatarState has been nerfed SO much its not even funny. And its unfair the Avatar doesn't get some combos to play around with.
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Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Delta Stream, Primordial Sea, and Desolate Land are all pokemon abilities. And your other suggestion Dragon Ascent is the exact same as in Pokemon.


Verified Member
Delta Stream, Primordial Sea, and Desolate Land are all pokemon abilities. And your other suggestion Dragon Ascent is the exact same as in Pokemon.
My friend in here giving me ideas and i just put what i think the moves should do, its what i get for gettin ideas from a PokeFreak...


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
The abilities in pokemon for the three suggested here cancel weather effects. Delta Stream overpowers the other two. Precipice blades I dunno about, might be a move

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
1st: I loved the fact that you put the abilities in the Cycle.
2nd: I love the abilities, specially the Earth one.
3rd: Couldn't the Primordial Sea effect also the Waterbenders that are spouting? After all, they are using the toxic water.


Verified Member
1st: I loved the fact that you put the abilities in the Cycle.
2nd: I love the abilities, specially the Earth one.
3rd: Couldn't the Primordial Sea effect also the Waterbenders that are spouting? After all, they are using the toxic water.
1. Thank you.
2. Thank you.
3. I actually didnt think about that, your are one smart person, let me go edit Primordial Sea to affect waterspout :p


Verified Member
Why are those pokemon moves? Like all of them..

Please just come up with your own names/ideas for moves


Verified Member
Why are those pokemon moves? Like all of them..

Please just come up with your own names/ideas for moves
First of all, i believe only 1 of these is a pokemon move, and my friend was the one suggesting names for combos for the avatar and hes a pokefreak so i just put what i think they should do. Also, i havent played Pokemon since Pokemon Diamond, so how would i know this.


Verified Member
First of all, i believe only 1 of these is a pokemon move, and my friend was the one suggesting names for combos for the avatar and hes a pokefreak so i just put what i think they should do. Also, i havent played Pokemon since Pokemon Diamond, so how would i know this.
All of them are names from pokemon xD If you played the new ORAS you would've known plus u shouldnt grab the names from a pokemon site or whatever


Verified Member
All of them are names from pokemon xD If you played the new ORAS you would've known plus u shouldnt grab the names from a pokemon site or whatever
I dont think you read what i said... As i said in the post you replied on "Also, i havent played Pokemon since Pokemon Diamond, so how would i know this." I have not played Pokemon Omega Ruby nor have i played Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. And i went on no website to come up with names, I got the names of these combos from my friend because he told me to suggest combos for the Avatar with these names. At the time, i had no idea these names had anything related with the Pokemon franchise.


Verified Member
I dont think you read what i said... As i said in the post you replied on "Also, i havent played Pokemon since Pokemon Diamond, so how would i know this." I have not played Pokemon Omega Ruby nor have i played Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. And i went on no website to come up with names, I got the names of these combos from my friend because he told me to suggest combos for the Avatar with these names. At the time, i had no idea these names had anything related with the Pokemon franchise.
Oh ok


Verified Member
I dont think you read what i said... As i said in the post you replied on "Also, i havent played Pokemon since Pokemon Diamond, so how would i know this." I have not played Pokemon Omega Ruby nor have i played Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. And i went on no website to come up with names, I got the names of these combos from my friend because he told me to suggest combos for the Avatar with these names. At the time, i had no idea these names had anything related with the Pokemon franchise.
Thats what i mean with own ideas, you shouldnt take everything from your friend without thinking by yourself

I did read your post yes


Verified Member
Thats what i mean with own ideas, you shouldnt take everything from your friend without thinking by yourself

I did read your post yes
Its not like he doesn't give me permission. I am not stealing his idea as he is giving me these names so that i can suggest what i think the move should do. Also, who are you to decide how me and my friend make ideas?
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