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AvatarState Combos

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Verified Member
The only problem that I find with this is that the moves that you are listing...
WaterSpout, Fireblast, Fissure, and Eruption.
Are somewhat common for "move names". However stuff like: DeltaStream, Primordial Sea, Precipice Blades, and Desolate Land don't seem that common. It's obvious that these names are from pokemon, and the moves themselves could be from pokemon. You need to at least change the names though. Maybe something like Razor Air, Acid Moat, Earth Spikes, and Evaporation. I know these aren't the best names, but they are not from pokemon which is already a pro for my names, and a con for yours...


Verified Member
The only problem that I find with this is that the moves that you are listing...

Are somewhat common for "move names". However stuff like: DeltaStream, Primordial Sea, Precipice Blades, and Desolate Land don't seem that common. It's obvious that these names are from pokemon, and the moves themselves could be from pokemon. You need to at least change the names though. Maybe something like Razor Air, Acid Moat, Earth Spikes, and Evaporation. I know these aren't the best names, but they are not from pokemon which is already a pro for my names, and a con for yours...
Again, i am no longer replying to Pokemon comments on this thread.


Verified Member
With a little coding, it can be possible.
I don't think he meant coding wise... the avatar has never been seen to change a liquid from water to poison. Sure a water bender could manipulate poison, but in this case where would the avatar be getting it from. Plus we've never seen anything like this in the show.


Verified Member
That might be cool. Maybe if there was a way to code it so that there was lava under the water, but none of it got cooled. It would make a lot of sense that way because lava flow is included in the combo, and that would make that water "boiling".
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