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Denied New lava move: LavaBubble

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Truth be told, I always like to see disagreements in threads. It causes suggestions, creates controversy, and increases the overall views of a thread. Plus I think people like to prove a point every once in a while.


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Probably because it's an impractical deathtrap for earth benders that will leave them stranded or kill them when under lava. It would be pretty easy to code really; just copy air bubble's source and change all occurances of isWater() to isLava().

At least I think isLava() is in the stock methods.java file :p

Edit I just checked isLava is there so it's a very simple thing to do if you just clone airbubble.

Perhaps I should make a server that takes out all the stock moves in the plugin and only uses moves that were denied here on the forums! It could be called the benders rejects!

I am a genius I'm pretty sure.
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If this was a thing make it give the bender slowness configurable in config when usin et


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They would already be shifting...adding slowness would make moving impossible, and then there would be no point to the move.


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Eh? The pk staff aren't required to provide a reason for declining a move. Not do they need our permission or approval before they add or remove content and features. No matter how good you believe a suggestion is if the pk staff doesn't believe it to be worthy of adding then it'll be rejected. No amount of protesting, begging or arguing or demanding will change this.

As I suggested above make it yourself as an add on if you can't live without it, it's not something that is going to make it into the stock plugin.


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I would just like to see why the staff member who denied it denied it. Is that a crime


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I denied it because it's an extraneous addition to earth bending. As seen in the show, even a master lavebender (Ghazan) wasn't able to hold back lava being bent at him. Also, I should have left a reason for the denial, but I got rid of the ones I didnt need to read first (The ones that I could tell by the title that It was going to be denied). However, I was told to make sure to reply to them, so I am replying to them now.


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OK thank you for the reply. But Bolin did bend the lava back, twice. Once when in the airbender temple tunnel, and another when ghazan made a big wave of lava and pushed it at him. Even if for a small amount of time, he did it.


Verified Member
I denied it because it's an extraneous addition to earth bending. As seen in the show, even a master lavebender (Ghazan) wasn't able to hold back lava being bent at him. Also, I should have left a reason for the denial, but I got rid of the ones I didnt need to read first (The ones that I could tell by the title that It was going to be denied). However, I was told to make sure to reply to them, so I am replying to them now.
Am I the only one who believes his "reasons" for denying our ideas are rather.. Lacking?


Verified Member
It's because he is still in the mindset that it must be canon. And he judged a book by it's cover.
This would be very canon, as Bolin basically preforms "Lavabubble" as his first lava move :p

If a brand new lavabender can preform lavabubble without any training prior to gaining his ability I shall assume that with severe practice anyone could do it.

Unless of course you're making BS reasoning behind canon, such as "OMG YOU NOOB HE DIDNT DO IT IN THE SHOW , NOT CANON" then this move is perfectly valid.
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