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Vine Wrap

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Verified Member
Element: Plantbending
Move Name: VineWrap
Use: This would wrap your opponent in vines, causing them to be vulnarable to any one firebending move, 2 earthblasts or 1 shockwave, 3 watermanipulations or 2 torrents, or 5 airbending moves for 10 seconds. if they get hit by the requirements they are free. The vine would have a range of 10 blocks, the source block would be a vine block, and would inch along the ground in the direction the user shifts, every 2 seconds one block further.The move would stop if the user takes any damage.
Damage: This would do suffocation but could only do 3 hearts of suffocation.
Cannon: I have no idea if this is fanart or cannon. Only real picture of this I could find.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Element: Plantbending
Move Name: VineWrap
Use: This would wrap your opponent in vines, causing them to be vulnarable to any one firebending move, 2 earthblasts or 1 shockwave, 3 watermanipulations or 2 torrents, or 5 airbending moves for 10 seconds. if they get hit by the requirements they are free. The vine would have a range of 10 blocks, the source block would be a vine block, and would inch along the ground in the direction the user shifts, every 2 seconds one block further.The move would stop if the user takes any damage.
Damage: This would do suffocation but could only do 3 hearts of suffocation.
Cannon: I have no idea if this is fanart or cannon. Only real picture of this I could find.
Well, add insane slowness, and maybe nausea?
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