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WaterCombo: IceDrill

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haii ppl!

This is a move I just came up with, and I felt like I HAD to post it. So there we go!:

Name: IceDrill
Element/Sub: Water
Type: Combo
Move Order: Torrent (click[on source]) -> Torrent (hold shift) -> Surge (click) -> IceBlast (click)
Looks/Use: When you performed the moves in the right order, a ball of water will form and will follow your cursor for a couple of seconds. When you click, the water will be shot in the direction you clicked, will turning to ice the further it goes. When it reaches it max range, it disappears. The further your enemy is, the more damage it gets, but the less knickknack it gets. The same goes for the other way around. The first 2 blocks it's water, then it turns to ice, and the last 5 blocks it's packed ice (and it's a bit smaller) It would look like a drill. The damage and knockback would be configurable.

That's it for now! Lemme know what you think!:)

- Finn


Verified Member
So basically like this move:

Charged Torrent/ IceDrill:

When you did the combo, you set up torrent, 2 streams of water instead of 1 will form around you and begin streaming around you like regular torrent. This would take longer then setting up a regular torrent. Double the length should do it, I think. When you click the 2 streams will fuse in the derection you look at and form one powerful stream. This stream would be faster, deal +- 3 hearts plus a bigger knockback and have a larger range. It would be a lot harder to redirect, so the stream would still follow your cursor but slower. So you have to aim better and it can be dodged.

When you double left-click while you launch the stream, it would get an ice tip at the point were the two stream completely fuse (instead of creating ice when hitting the target by regular torrent.) It would deal less damage(2.5 hearts), but it would have the same effect as IceSpike.

~Special thanks to Phorcys77 and DrCrossFire for the ice tip idea c:

The Combo: Torrent(left-click)>>>Torrent(tap shift)>>>Watermanipulation(left click)>>>Torrent/left-click + hold shift(activation)
~Special thanks to orfeas for the combo c:

To set up this combo, you need water or ice! I think it doesn't make sense waterbenders could do this with just one small fern or flower... Look at how much water Kya needed to do it. (optional though)

Because this is also based on Unalaq's IceDrill, I think it would make sense you could use this to break blocks. It would be able to go through a 1 block think wall of blocks. Like charged fireblast does.

Fully Charged Torrent, ready to use.
View attachment 312 View attachment 313

The 2 streams fuse and make one powerfull stream
View attachment 390 View attachment 391 View attachment 392

I hope you like it! c: Let me know if this needs improvement, like when you think it's OP, unbalanced, ... I want this to be a fair usefull combo, not OP or anything c:


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
So basically like this move:
No, not like his idea. I suggested this to 6Tijn for his combi idea, but he personally told me that it should be a combo, and not added to his. This combo is far more coars than his. His idea is more precise and controlled. This combo is more usefull as a last resort. Like when you are almost dead, you can use this to blast your enemy away and get some more time.
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