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1.5.0 BETA 20


Staff member
Behold! The last (planned) feature heavy build of 1.5.0. As of now we are entering the extensive bug squashing phase and hope to release 1.5.0 IN FULL on or around December 1st, 2014. (Subject to Change)

  • General Changes
    • Factions Support
      • ProjectKorra now works exclusively with Faction versions 2.7.0 and higher. You must upgrade your Factions build to that version or higher if you wish to continue using ProjectKorra's Factions support.
  • Earthbending Changes
    • MetalClips Changes
      • Fixed NullPointerException caused by switching to a slot without an ability bound.
  • Chiblocking Changes
    • New Ability: AcrobatStance
      • To use, simply select the ability and left click to activate it. Acrobat Stance sort of works passively once toggled on. It boosts your speed and jump height (Always one level higher than whatever regular Chiblockers have), while it depletes your hunger a bit faster (There has to be some caveat). Additionally, by default, this will also give you a +10% chance of blocking someone's chi than you would usually have.
    • New Ability: WarriorStance
      • To use, simply select the ability and left click to activate/deactivate it. Warrior Stance, much like Acrobat Stance, will work passively once activated. It will boost your attack strength while also making you more vulnerable to oncoming attacks. (The Resistance Potion is just a placeholder, it actually has negative effects). This means that attacks will do a bit more damage to you, however, you will also do more damage with a simple punch / Rapid Punch / Sword than anyone else.
    • Note On Stances: Only one stance can be activated at a time. If you try to activate two at a time, the first one will turn off. Stances will also turn off if you relog, die, are being bloodbent, paralyzed, or hit with MetalClips.


God Tier Member
Verified Member
  • Chiblocking Changes
    • New Ability: AcrobatStance
      • To use, simply select the ability and left click to activate it. Acrobat Stance sort of works passively once toggled on. It boosts your speed and jump height (Always one level higher than whatever regular Chiblockers have), while it depletes your hunger a bit faster (There has to be some caveat). Additionally, by default, this will also give you a +10% chance of blocking someone's chi than you would usually have.
    • New Ability: WarriorStance
      • To use, simply select the ability and left click to activate/deactivate it. Warrior Stance, much like Acrobat Stance, will work passively once activated. It will boost your attack strength while also making you more vulnerable to oncoming attacks. (The Resistance Potion is just a placeholder, it actually has negative effects). This means that attacks will do a bit more damage to you, however, you will also do more damage with a simple punch / Rapid Punch / Sword than anyone else.
    • Note On Stances: Only one stance can be activated at a time. If you try to activate two at a time, the first one will turn off. Stances will also turn off if you relog, die, are being bloodbent, paralyzed, or hit with MetalClips.
Thank you so much Mist! I have waited for this is day my entire life. ;-;


Verified Member
Behold! The last (planned) feature heavy build of 1.5.0. As of now we are entering the extensive bug squashing phase and hope to release 1.5.0 IN FULL on or around December 1st, 2014. (Subject to Change)

  • General Changes
    • Factions Support
      • ProjectKorra now works exclusively with Faction versions 2.7.0 and higher. You must upgrade your Factions build to that version or higher if you wish to continue using ProjectKorra's Factions support.
  • Earthbending Changes
    • MetalClips Changes
      • Fixed NullPointerException caused by switching to a slot without an ability bound.
  • Chiblocking Changes
    • New Ability: AcrobatStance
      • To use, simply select the ability and left click to activate it. Acrobat Stance sort of works passively once toggled on. It boosts your speed and jump height (Always one level higher than whatever regular Chiblockers have), while it depletes your hunger a bit faster (There has to be some caveat). Additionally, by default, this will also give you a +10% chance of blocking someone's chi than you would usually have.
    • New Ability: WarriorStance
      • To use, simply select the ability and left click to activate/deactivate it. Warrior Stance, much like Acrobat Stance, will work passively once activated. It will boost your attack strength while also making you more vulnerable to oncoming attacks. (The Resistance Potion is just a placeholder, it actually has negative effects). This means that attacks will do a bit more damage to you, however, you will also do more damage with a simple punch / Rapid Punch / Sword than anyone else.
    • Note On Stances: Only one stance can be activated at a time. If you try to activate two at a time, the first one will turn off. Stances will also turn off if you relog, die, are being bloodbent, paralyzed, or hit with MetalClips.
Does PK support the 1.8 compatible factions? http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/factionsuuid.1035/