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Denied Cleaning Up That Ice

Which one(s) would you like added?

  • Both IceRevert and IceLimit.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Just IceRevert.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just IceLimit.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neither.

    Votes: 3 75.0%

  • Total voters
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God Tier Member
Verified Member
So as most of you know a common waterbender strategy is to repeatedly trap players in ice using torrent. This ice only goes away (to my knowledge) once the waterbending is far enough away. So if you are an earth/air/water bender you are just stuck there unless you can dig your way out (which you can not do in some arenas). And if you do manage to get out, they just freeze you again. This is extremely annoying and cheap when they use OctopusForm on the trapped players. It takes away from the joy of bending and I have a few suggestions to cut down its spamness.

Suggestion: After a certain amount of time (in config) the ice created by Torrent or Surge disappears. A good default time would be fifteen or thirty seconds. This could be changed in the config as "IceRevert: <time>" This would stop players from trapping players for long periods.

Suggestion: A waterbender can only have a certain number of Torrent Ice Spheres. Once the limit is reached the oldest sphere vanishes. This could be saved in the config as "IceLimit: <Max Ice Sphere #>. I believe this would stop waterbenders from ruining an area by creating Ice Spheres everywhere, also stopping them from trapping people under a huge amount of consecutively created Ice Spheres.

Both of these options could reduce the cheap/boring strategy. Thanks for reading and if you have any changes/additions to the idea please post it in a comment.
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Head Moderator
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I prefer the PhaseChange method. Which is you can only go so far before it melts.


God Tier Member
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That would still be a mechanic, but waterbenders tend to stay near the trapped players when they use OctopusForm/IceLash/etc. on them.


Verified Member
That would still be a mechanic, but waterbenders tend to stay near the trapped players when they use OctopusForm/IceLash/etc. on them.
I think an IceRevert function could be useful for some servers, but definitely not a set time as miniscule as 10-15 seconds for default.

I don't think the purpose of this setting should be to affect a waterbenders bendings, but more for anti-griefing an/or to keep an area tidy.

The Max Ice Sphere I do not agree with. I don't think it's fair to deliberately limit a waterbender in that way. That may be instances where having a large amount of ice sphere active is necessary to defeat an opponent e.g. they are at a high point and can't be through most other means, but using ice spheres as a path could be effective.

Benders usually have a way of escaping the ice eventually: airbenders could repel the attacker with airshield until they escape, earthbender could earthtunnel below if they're on earth, firebenders could use heatcontrol and waterbenders could use phasechange. The only ones with no directly effective way to guard against being trapped in ice are chiblockers, but all-in-all it's really not to great an issue if you know how to deal with it in some way or another, despite hoe annoying it is. I mean, the same could be said about the earthgrab + lavaflow combo, but my points still stand there (except, ironically, aainst waterbenders in most situations).


God Tier Member
Verified Member
I think an IceRevert function could be useful for some servers, but definitely not a set time as miniscule as 10-15 seconds for default.
All changeable by config options. And fifteen seconds is not minuscule it is enough to trap a player, not too short where nothing can be done, but long enough to get away/charge a move. Maybe thirty would be a better default but that seems a bit long.

The Max Ice Sphere I do not agree with. I don't think it's fair to deliberately limit a waterbender in that way. That may be instances where having a large amount of ice sphere active is necessary to defeat an opponent e.g. they are at a high point and can't be through most other means, but using ice spheres as a path could be effective.
You provide good points, but very few people to create paths for benders to travel on. They use it to spam the heck out of the out player to the point where it is just not fun anymore. And would make the oldest sphere disappear so the sphere you just created would not go away. This would also be changeable via config, but I would think five would be a good number to limit spam.

Benders usually have a way of escaping the ice eventually: airbenders could repel the attacker with airshield until they escape, earthbender could earthtunnel below if they're on earth, firebenders could use heatcontrol and waterbenders could use phasechange. The only ones with no directly effective way to guard against being trapped in ice are chiblockers, but all-in-all it's really not to great an issue if you know how to deal with it in some way or another, despite hoe annoying it is. I mean, the same could be said about the earthgrab + lavaflow combo, but my points still stand there (except, ironically, aainst waterbenders in most situations).
On the servers I play on have it so that PhaseChange does not work on ice, so fellow water benders have to dig their way out, and the second they do, another Ice Sphere is created on them. It gets very annoying. Firebenders can get out anyways with HeatControl so nothing done to the Ice Spheres will effect them. I have played as an Airbender when this strategy was used on me (actually all elements) and the Air Sphere technique gets very boring since they freeze you the second you leave the sphere. Earthgrab + Lavaflow combo is easier to deal with then Ice Sphere spam in the cases I have been in. The fact that you are just trapped, unable to do anything is what kills the enjoyment.


Verified Member
The bigger issue is RaiseEarth and EarthGrab spam. At least you can potentially fight back when you're trapped in ice. If a waterbender goes on land without a bottle (which a lot of arenas do not provide) you're absolutely doomed. Earth benders just capture you within their walls of OP hell and murder you with EarthBlast.


Verified Member
The bigger issue is RaiseEarth and EarthGrab spam. At least you can potentially fight back when you're trapped in ice. If a waterbender goes on land without a bottle (which a lot of arenas do not provide) you're absolutely doomed. Earth benders just capture you within their walls of OP hell and murder you with EarthBlast.
Oh gosh, that is so true.


Verified Member
All changeable by config options. And fifteen seconds is not minuscule it is enough to trap a player, not too short where nothing can be done, but long enough to get away/charge a move. Maybe thirty would be a better default but that seems a bit long.

You provide good points, but very few people to create paths for benders to travel on. They use it to spam the heck out of the out player to the point where it is just not fun anymore. And would make the oldest sphere disappear so the sphere you just created would not go away. This would also be changeable via config, but I would think five would be a good number to limit spam.

On the servers I play on have it so that PhaseChange does not work on ice, so fellow water benders have to dig their way out, and the second they do, another Ice Sphere is created on them. It gets very annoying. Firebenders can get out anyways with HeatControl so nothing done to the Ice Spheres will effect them. I have played as an Airbender when this strategy was used on me (actually all elements) and the Air Sphere technique gets very boring since they freeze you the second you leave the sphere. Earthgrab + Lavaflow combo is easier to deal with then Ice Sphere spam in the cases I have been in. The fact that you are just trapped, unable to do anything is what kills the enjoyment.
That's a shame waterbenders have that limitation in that instance on that server, although, as an airbender, if you're fast enough you can escape (I know because I've escaped many times as an airbender). I suppose it's about how quick one person is more than another, and that logic can apply to almost all situations like this.


God Tier Member
Verified Member
The bigger issue is RaiseEarth and EarthGrab spam. At least you can potentially fight back when you're trapped in ice. If a waterbender goes on land without a bottle (which a lot of arenas do not provide) you're absolutely doomed. Earth benders just capture you within their walls of OP hell and murder you with EarthBlast.
I do not support spammers and on my server I set my EarthRevert to thirty seconds to counter that.


Staff member
I'm going to deny this suggestion because most elements have some way to escape ice as is. As for anti griefing capabilities, the ice does eventually clear and doesn't grief the land, at least to my knowledge. The suggestion wasn't bad, just not practical for the plugin.

If a Waterbender's strategy is to freeze opponents, a mechanic intentionally built into the plugin, taking it away would be silly, instead, we offer ways to counter it. This is nothing a PhaseChange, HeatControl, RaiseEarth, or some other clever thing wont fix.
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