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Suggestion Biome Power [WATER/FIRE]


Verified Member
I think it would be appropriate to add the advantages/disadvantages to water/firebending.

In the show, water and fire was affected by where they are. Water does better in colder climates while fire does better in warmer climates. I think it would be cool to add climate advantages by increasing ones power level while decreasing the other.

I think the increasement should be minute like +1.5 - 2 damage. When the opposing element moves into "fire/water" territory, they should get thier power level decreased by X. Maybe decrease cooldown times.
I think it's possible because of the way minecraft's biome setup is.


Verified Member
We can add effects too, like in the Snow Biomes Firebenders could have weakness for example


Verified Member
We can add effects too, like in the Snow Biomes Firebenders could have weakness for example
And give them slowness, and blindness too!!! Waterbenders must have speed AND strenth in those biomes. Maybe we could give them haste 2. We could also give firebenders mining fatigue in snow biomes! And lets also give them other debuffs! Give them occasional knockback, like with there fire. Wow fire is getting op!!!


Verified Member
And give them slowness, and blindness too!!! Waterbenders must have speed AND strenth in those biomes. Maybe we could give them haste 2. We could also give firebenders mining fatigue in snow biomes! And lets also give them other debuffs! Give them occasional knockback, like with there fire. Wow fire is getting op!!!
Wow, just hold on there. Just because their bending is slightly weaker, doesn't mean their physical abilities are any less. At least not any less than another human, say and earthbender, in that location. Don't get too carried away...


Verified Member
And give them slowness, and blindness too!!! Waterbenders must have speed AND strenth in those biomes. Maybe we could give them haste 2. We could also give firebenders mining fatigue in snow biomes! And lets also give them other debuffs! Give them occasional knockback, like with there fire. Wow fire is getting op!!!
Since we are in potion effects, I think whoever goes into enemy territory, they get weakness X (X = effect strength)


Verified Member
And give them slowness, and blindness too!!! Waterbenders must have speed AND strenth in those biomes. Maybe we could give them haste 2. We could also give firebenders mining fatigue in snow biomes! And lets also give them other debuffs! Give them occasional knockback, like with there fire. Wow fire is getting op!!!
How would a firebender in a taiga biome go blind?


Verified Member
How would a firebender in a taiga biome go blind?
Im pretty sure if this does get included, which might not happen, they might make a config that allows servers to choose what biome. Personally, I think firebenders should get weak near Ice Plains and Spikes...


Verified Member
Im pretty sure if this does get included, which might not happen, they might make a config that allows servers to choose what biome. Personally, I think firebenders should get weak near Ice Plains and Spikes...
I meant how being in a certain area would give blindness? It's unrealistic.