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Complete Water combo: Ice Traveling

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Pretty simple. Allows waterbenders to travel along a frozen waterwave for increased speed while close to the ground
(-) Possible combinations for move:
-Waterwave (channeling) -> Phasechange (punch) -> Waterwave (release)
-Waterwave (channeling) -> Surge (punch) -> Waterwave (release)

(-) Possible defense/mobilty ideas:
-While traveling Resistance I until move finishes.
-Traveling with this move gives user Speed I for a short period after move completion. (allows quick escape if move ends up badly)
-Of course in order to not be just a flashy waterwave, increased speed when used close to the ground.

(-) Possible uses for the move:
-Allows a quick wall infront/behind your allies should they come under attack.
-Quickly cross large areas of earth.
-Quickly escape teams of enemy benders.

My hopes for this move would be that waterbenders can have a strong mobility move that will help them change locations on land quickly and reduce the time they are away from water. I consistently find myself confined to a single pool/snow area where I can never cross the land to a new spot without dying. With this move you could easily travel across a large body of land to get to your next pool/snow location.

I came up with this on the fly, and would greatly appreciate some feedback. If you feel the move is too OP please say so. It doesn't help if you quietly curse me for thinking of the move :p

EDIT: Thanks to Helios, and Vidcom, the move should now be referred as IceWave!
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Verified Member
I like this idea but i think that it should do like half a hart of damage if you hit an enemy with it.I am saying this because it is is a big body of ice that would probably damage someone if it hit him!I am not good with choosing names so sadly i can not help you with that part.


Verified Member
I like this idea but i think that it should do like half a hart of damage if you hit an enemy with it.I am saying this because it is is a big body of ice that would probably damage someone if it hit him!I am not good with choosing names so sadly i can not help you with that part.
Agreed, it could be the water equivalent of fire's jetblaze.


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Well idk if Tonraq was actually doing a WaterWave there. The ground they were on was all ice and packed ice. When on ice like that waterbenders do with ice water earthenders do with earth.


Verified Member
Well idk if Tonraq was actually doing a WaterWave there. The ground they were on was all ice and packed ice. When on ice like that waterbenders do with ice water earthenders do with earth.
Yeah but Katara did almost the same thing while fighting Azula.
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