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Denied Ming hua's Water arms

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Verified Member
I think a great feature to add would be water arms. They would be water attached to your hands that you can shoot out or freeze for a damaging melee.This could ultimately be a good benefit to the plugin.This could be a great feature because i personally think water bending is more mid range-long range so by using water arms you will be able to attack fast movers. This does come into some problems. Like how they will project the water on the arms properly,other than that there is no other problems.In conclusion water arms would help water benders come up close to people and you can easily overcome projecting the water on the arms.



Verified Member
I think this idea is very original. I've never seen another suggestion for this before and always wanted this to be added. @Vidcom and @Gahshunk are just meanies (jk).
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Verified Member
Suggested 20, maybe 30 times, and even made once as false code. Maybe some people actually want waterarms!!! THAT WOULD BE CRAZY!!!!


WE ALL WNAT WATER ARMS! except staff *mean face*

The idea of WaterArms requires two arms. 2. Zwei, deux, duo, due, do, TWO. You need TWO arms to do any kind of WaterArms move. It even shows it in the name, -Arms is plural.
As far as Minecraft is concerned, players have one arm. That's why you can't mine with a pick in one hand and a torch in the other. You always have one hand out, the other just not shown. So we can't do WaterARMS on that basis because you only have one arm in Minecraft in the first place.

Now you may be thinking, "But Vid, why not just have a move which is WaterArms but only for one arm at a time?", and I see where you're coming from. However, we hit complications for when people want to split the arms up into many, with one root a la Ming Hua in the picture above ^^^^. In this case, we have multiple limbs, and they have one arm to control from. How do we do this? How can you control multiple things at the same time?

"But Vid, why not just limit to one arm? Surely that seems practical." Sadly, no. Even with a one-armed, one-tendril based WaterArms move, this still isn't going to work out too well, because it's an absurdly flexible move. In the show, Ming-Hua uses them for everything, and she is a world standard bender for it. We're talking a limb that can be used as:
  1. A rope to swing from
  2. A limb that can be swung
  3. A limb that can be thrown
  4. It can grab
  5. It can freeze at the end into sharp spikes
  6. It can throw enemies and freeze them in place
  7. It can turn into a DRILL
  8. It can be used to climb vertical cliffs
  9. It can be used to absorb many, many water sources nearby
  10. It can be used as a whip
  11. It can be frozen straight on to the arm and used as a club
  12. It can be used to grab people and freeze individual body parts
That is 12 different uses for a single bind, which is just a long tendril so far. Us Concept Designers have to figure out how all of these are done, and we have left clicks and shifting to make all of these controls for a single bind. This is IMPOSSIBLE to do.

"But why not make it a Combo?" Because frankly, it would require about 7 separate WaterCombos to cover most of these, along with a move bind, which simply drowns out (pun not intended) the other many potential WaterCombos available to us as ideas out there.

I hope this resolves the WaterArms debate, once and for all.


Verified Member

The idea of WaterArms requires two arms. 2. Zwei, deux, duo, due, do, TWO. You need TWO arms to do any kind of WaterArms move. It even shows it in the name, -Arms is plural.
As far as Minecraft is concerned, players have one arm. That's why you can't mine with a pick in one hand and a torch in the other. You always have one hand out, the other just not shown. So we can't do WaterARMS on that basis because you only have one arm in Minecraft in the first place.

Now you may be thinking, "But Vid, why not just have a move which is WaterArms but only for one arm at a time?", and I see where you're coming from. However, we hit complications for when people want to split the arms up into many, with one root a la Ming Hua in the picture above ^^^^. In this case, we have multiple limbs, and they have one arm to control from. How do we do this? How can you control multiple things at the same time?

"But Vid, why not just limit to one arm? Surely that seems practical." Sadly, no. Even with a one-armed, one-tendril based WaterArms move, this still isn't going to work out too well, because it's an absurdly flexible move. In the show, Ming-Hua uses them for everything, and she is a world standard bender for it. We're talking a limb that can be used as:
  1. A rope to swing from
  2. A limb that can be swung
  3. A limb that can be thrown
  4. It can grab
  5. It can freeze at the end into sharp spikes
  6. It can throw enemies and freeze them in place
  7. It can turn into a DRILL
  8. It can be used to climb vertical cliffs
  9. It can be used to absorb many, many water sources nearby
  10. It can be used as a whip
  11. It can be frozen straight on to the arm and used as a club
  12. It can be used to grab people and freeze individual body parts
That is 12 different uses for a single bind, which is just a long tendril so far. Us Concept Designers have to figure out how all of these are done, and we have left clicks and shifting to make all of these controls for a single bind. This is IMPOSSIBLE to do.

"But why not make it a Combo?" Because frankly, it would require about 7 separate WaterCombos to cover most of these, along with a move bind, which simply drowns out (pun not intended) the other many potential WaterCombos available to us as ideas out there.

I hope this resolves the WaterArms debate, once and for all.


Verified Member

The idea of WaterArms requires two arms. 2. Zwei, deux, duo, due, do, TWO. You need TWO arms to do any kind of WaterArms move. It even shows it in the name, -Arms is plural.
As far as Minecraft is concerned, players have one arm. That's why you can't mine with a pick in one hand and a torch in the other. You always have one hand out, the other just not shown. So we can't do WaterARMS on that basis because you only have one arm in Minecraft in the first place.

Now you may be thinking, "But Vid, why not just have a move which is WaterArms but only for one arm at a time?", and I see where you're coming from. However, we hit complications for when people want to split the arms up into many, with one root a la Ming Hua in the picture above ^^^^. In this case, we have multiple limbs, and they have one arm to control from. How do we do this? How can you control multiple things at the same time?

"But Vid, why not just limit to one arm? Surely that seems practical." Sadly, no. Even with a one-armed, one-tendril based WaterArms move, this still isn't going to work out too well, because it's an absurdly flexible move. In the show, Ming-Hua uses them for everything, and she is a world standard bender for it. We're talking a limb that can be used as:
  1. A rope to swing from
  2. A limb that can be swung
  3. A limb that can be thrown
  4. It can grab
  5. It can freeze at the end into sharp spikes
  6. It can throw enemies and freeze them in place
  7. It can turn into a DRILL
  8. It can be used to climb vertical cliffs
  9. It can be used to absorb many, many water sources nearby
  10. It can be used as a whip
  11. It can be frozen straight on to the arm and used as a club
  12. It can be used to grab people and freeze individual body parts
That is 12 different uses for a single bind, which is just a long tendril so far. Us Concept Designers have to figure out how all of these are done, and we have left clicks and shifting to make all of these controls for a single bind. This is IMPOSSIBLE to do.

"But why not make it a Combo?" Because frankly, it would require about 7 separate WaterCombos to cover most of these, along with a move bind, which simply drowns out (pun not intended) the other many potential WaterCombos available to us as ideas out there.

I hope this resolves the WaterArms debate, once and for all.
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