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Use in show: In the show, a Whirlpool was used by Aang and Katara to turn a ship around, To pull a sea serpent under water, and a few other possible times.
Project Korra adaptation: A whirlpool would be created by a waterbender, and would work on water or ice. when the enemy is in the water, the waterbender can hold shift to activate whirlpool under them, and they would take damage, and they would be pulled to the center of the whirlpool, and dragged under if it is deep enough. this effect would last approx. 5 seconds, with the opponent taking half a heart of damage per second (if you feel these amounts should be different, feel free to change them). I was thinking it could look something like this:

If you think it should look different, do as you see fit.


Verified Member
Interesting ability, and I have a question: would the victim still receive damage if it's not deep enough so they don't get pulled underwater?


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2 waterbenders (one was the avatar) where needed to do this. I also don't think damage getting by drowning is a good idea, since it's kinda boring and slow


Verified Member
Interesting ability, and I have a question: would the victim still receive damage if it's not deep enough so they don't get pulled underwater?
They'd receive damage, but would not be pulled under water.

2 waterbenders (one was the avatar) where needed to do this. I also don't think damage getting by drowning is a good idea, since it's kinda boring and slow
If you recall, neither of them were masters, and if you recall, they did each make their own whirlpool.

and it would not be damage simply from drowning, per say, but the opponent would take damage from the actual attack instead.


Verified Member
It seems cool but I think that damage should only be done to mobs/players in a whirlpool 2 blocks deep. Would airbubble and waterbubble stop the whirlpool while it is happening?


Verified Member
It seems cool but I think that damage should only be done to mobs/players in a whirlpool 2 blocks deep. Would airbubble and waterbubble stop the whirlpool while it is happening?
I'm not sure if they would be able to stop it. Perhaps that can be decided by the server owner? I would imagine not though, because as shown in the show, its not easy to bend water already being bent by someone else.


Verified Member
I'm not sure if they would be able to stop it. Perhaps that can be decided by the server owner? I would imagine not though, because as shown in the show, its not easy to bend water already being bent by someone else.
That would depend on the skills of both: if the bender initiating bending the water possesses manipulative skills inferior to that of the one bending theirs then it would be fully possible, and depending on the gap in skill, done with relative ease.
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Verified Member
It sounds good, but I don't know if it's much of a use in a fight.
Because you need your victim to be in water. There are so many ways to get out of the water.
And I think when many waterbenders got their victim in the water, they would more likely use other, faster moves.
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