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What Moves Would You Like To See The Most?


Verified Member
Name: Element shield (Feel free to change if you plan to make this real)
Element/Sub Element: Avatar
Controls: Hold shift to spin as many different elements, that are available, around you and form a shield. Only while in avatarstate.
Use: Defensive. Seen by avatar Aang many times and not sure if by Korra, but I believe so.

brent logan

Verified Member
Name: SpiritRupture
Element: Water > Spiritbending
Controls: Left click at a waterbendable block and hold shift at an entity to make water circle around them.
Use: This would make water sircle around an entities whole body and remove their soul one by one. this deals 2 hearts of damage every second.


Verified Member
Name: BlueFireBlast
Element: Fire
Controls: Left click wherever to fire a small projectile / Hold shift for 3 seconds and let go to fire a larger, faster and stronger version.
Use: as seen in TLA/TLoA certain firebenders (Azula) were able to fire a more powerful version of their regular fireblasts. Back to the ability: the normal "click" bluefireblast is bigger and better than a regular FireBlast (a few pixels wider, more damage and sets a larger area of ground on fire) while the "shift" bluefireblast is alot more faster and once again does more damage ETC.


Verified Member
Name: Element shield (Feel free to change if you plan to make this real)
Element/Sub Element: Avatar
Controls: Hold shift to spin as many different elements, that are available, around you and form a shield. Only while in avatarstate.
Use: Defensive. Seen by avatar Aang many times and not sure if by Korra, but I believe so.
Not by korra defensivly, but used to keep some spirit bra or something like that in a tree.


Verified Member
Name: BlueFireBlast
Element: Fire
Controls: Left click wherever to fire a small projectile / Hold shift for 3 seconds and let go to fire a larger, faster and stronger version.
Use: as seen in TLA/TLoA certain firebenders (Azula) were able to fire a more powerful version of their regular fireblasts. Back to the ability: the normal "click" bluefireblast is bigger and better than a regular FireBlast (a few pixels wider, more damage and sets a larger area of ground on fire) while the "shift" bluefireblast is alot more faster and once again does more damage ETC.
I would think they would be smaller, because azula's fireblasts were more concentrated, instead of just more powerful. That would make it a little less op.