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We need sandbending

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    Votes: 13 68.4%
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    Votes: 3 15.8%
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Sand is not a separate element. That's pretty stable.
i know this im just talking that he have is too different that make's him look more like a separated, 1: the sandbenders have generations of sandbenders that probably don't even know how to earth bend, 2: sand bending is really reverse of earth not just for not being solid earth, but it's like an airbender bending earth, 3: it's a totally different style of combat that the sandbenders use i'm not talking sand is not earth im just talking it's so different that would be better if being a separated bending, not element, bending


Like my main elements are Air and Earth. This sub-element basically blends them. I really really like sandbending x3

AND BEST OF ALL you have done a surprisingly good job! A lot of the stuff I have to read is questionable at best, but a lot of these are really sound :)


Verified Member
Considering how well Toph trained her sandbending after finding herself helplessly blind in the desert the first time proves that any earthbenders can learn to sandbend. She even made a scale replica of Ba Sing Se using her sandbending.


Considering how well Toph trained her sandbending after finding herself helplessly blind in the desert the first time proves that any earthbenders can learn to sandbend. She even made a scale replica of Ba Sing Se using her sandbending.
Toph was on a completely different level to most earthbenders. Praise be to the Holy Beifong.


Verified Member
Considering how well Toph trained her sandbending after finding herself helplessly blind in the desert the first time proves that any earthbenders can learn to sandbend. She even made a scale replica of Ba Sing Se using her sandbending.
that's true (everyone in beyfong family know how to bend more than normal earth xD) i just don't think it should be added in earthbending because it's a really different style of bending, looking more like airbending and earthbending at the same time, and i don't know but if some of those moves be added in earthbending would be too similar to the earthbending original moves, but atleast it would be cool to have a alternative type of earthbending, earthblast is powerfull, sandtorrent is weaker but faster and have bigger range, also it's not too similar to earthblast, it's more like torrent ability cause it have a big sand stream following it
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Sandbending is definitely not being added as a different type of bending (done with /b ch). Unless I've completely misinterpreted how MistPhizzle sees the elements. The "main types" of bending are reserved for elements or chi or stuff like that unless I'm completely mistaken about how the whole plugin works.


Verified Member
Sandbending is definitely not being added as a different type of bending (done with /b ch). Unless I've completely misinterpreted how MistPhizzle sees the elements. The "main types" of bending are reserved for elements or chi or stuff like that unless I'm completely mistaken about how the whole plugin works.
if this is not going to be added as different type of bending i just hope that some of those abilities be added in the plugin


Verified Member
A quicksand ability add-on was actually made by one of the developers. You can find it in the Downloads > Abilities forum. It's pretty sweet.


Verified Member
I support adding sandbending, but as a sub-element of earth, not a separate one. I see no reason not to add a few sandbending abilities. I have a suggestion of two: Sand Spout and Sand Tornado/vortex. It has been shown that sandbenders can use a sand spout, similar to water spout and air spout in the show. for example: Ep. 1 Book 2: The Avatar State. When Aang is in the Avatar State, he uses a sand spout. I suggest this be added as a mobility move for earthbenders. as for a sand tornado/vortex, that is demonstrated by sandbenders. I suggest that this ability be used to attack opponents.


Verified Member
I support adding sandbending, but as a sub-element of earth, not a separate one. I see no reason not to add a few sandbending abilities. I have a suggestion of two: Sand Spout and Sand Tornado/vortex. It has been shown that sandbenders can use a sand spout, similar to water spout and air spout in the show. for example: Ep. 1 Book 2: The Avatar State. When Aang is in the Avatar State, he uses a sand spout. I suggest this be added as a mobility move for earthbenders. as for a sand tornado/vortex, that is demonstrated by sandbenders. I suggest that this ability be used to attack opponents.
i'm not saying this is not a sub-element i'm trying to say that is not possible to add all the abbilities if don't create it as a separated bending, i know it's a sub-type of earthbending, but Aang don't use sandspout in avatarstate, he actually use airspout, but the airspouting got sand and then it make it look like sand but it's air


Verified Member
A quicksand ability add-on was actually made by one of the developers. You can find it in the Downloads > Abilities forum. It's pretty sweet.
quicksand is not the ability used by the earthbender in the TLA show? The one that the general used to grab Katara and sink her in the ground and then Ang get mad and turn in avatar state? If this is the move then it's not really sandbending just a bit, i'm really happy they are looking into this idea
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Verified Member
Well what i was thinking is, we have lavabending on earthbending so why don't make a new bending on the plugin the sandbending? Yeah i know some of you are thinking: Why should there have sandbending if we already can bend in the sand? Well first read the abilitys and read my explanation

SandWave: Similar to shockwave ability, this ability create a wave of sand
to use it, just sneak (default shift) in a source block (sand) and then click the direction you want, you will shoot a wave of sand,
similar to shockwave but smaller and faster 2 blocks wide, 2 blocks height,
it is weaker than the shockwave, but is more faster than it you can also change the direction the wave is going, and you can charge, just press and hold the sneak button, then when a smoke appears release it, a giant wave of sand 4 blocks wide 4 blocks height will be launched, but charged waves can't change the direction (need to be in a
sand bendable block to this work) it have a cooldown of 1 second, as it don't do so much damage.

SandTorrent: It's the junction of earthblast and torrent, to use it
just press the crouch button (default shift) in a sand bendable block
when it's selected, click on the target you want, a block of sand followed
by big stream of sand will be launched in the target, it's weaker than
the torrent and earthblast abilitys, but it's faster and have a bigger range
than both, it also have a bigger stream of sand than torrent stream of water
and if a enemie touch it he will get slow effect you can also change the direction of the blast.


Absorption: A ability that absorb water and fire attacks, to use, just
crouch looking on a sand bendable block, when selected just click on the
direction of were you want to shoot, if it touch the water the water attack
(torrent, watermanipulation) the water attack will disappear and the sand block
will fall down and disappear too, if touch fire, the fire will disappear and turn the sand into glass, but if used against airswipe the air will disappear, but it also knock the sand back to you, hurting you, only if you dodge this. If you click with that without using the sneak button, a wall of sand, 3 blocks wide 4 blocks height will rise from the ground, protecting you against all blasts, but it will fall back to the ground after 4 seconds, making this a fast defensive move, also it not protect you against airswipe.

SandRun: This ability make you run faster in the sand, to use it just run and then left click, you will start to run faster and will left a temporaly stream of sand where you go
this ability is temporaly and you will only run faster for 10 seconds, it have the same
cooldown as firejet

SurfingSand: This ability looks like firejet, but more slower and it is more longer and use sand blocks, when you click on where you want to go you will ''surf'' to where you are looking with a path of sand following you it is temporaly, and it stop after 6 seconds, when it stop you will fall back to the ground and all the sand path created too, it have the cooldown of 3 seconds


Decreased Hunger Food is not a easy thing to find in the desert
that's why the sandbenders have to adapt.

BreakGround: Like the earthbenders can bend in sand, sandbenders can bend
in earth, to use this just crouch when looking to a earth block, the block will turn into
Sand and then you can bend it.

well those are the abilitties, and now i will explain why i think you should add the sandbending
1: the earth attacks are too solid and can't you dont bend sand even using sand blocks
2: the reason that you dont bend sand even with sand blocks is that wen you use any of the earth attacks
the sand is turned into arenite, solid earth

Now why dont just add the ability's on the earth bending slots?
1: The fact that will be too OP if 7 new abilitys be added in the earthbending slot's
2: In the show The Last Airbender the sandbenders are originally earthbenders who learned how to
bend a not solid earth, that means they were earthbenders but generations of sandbenders have been passed, so they probably don't even know how to bend solid earth so well
3: SandBending is the reverse of earthbending, cause it's not solid earth, and the bending style is inspired on air and water bending.

So that's why i think this should be a separated bending, cause even being earthbending ist's really different, even lavabending look's more like earthbending, but if even with that explanation,
you prefer to add to earth bending i hope you add some of that skills

But i really hope you guys create this as a new type of bending to the plugin
i just hope sandbenders don't be forgotten
HEY! I suggested sand wave too! Almost just like that too! D:<


Verified Member
Well what i was thinking is, we have lavabending on earthbending so why don't make a new bending on the plugin the sandbending? Yeah i know some of you are thinking: Why should there have sandbending if we already can bend in the sand? Well first read the abilitys and read my explanation

SandWave: Similar to shockwave ability, this ability create a wave of sand
to use it, just sneak (default shift) in a source block (sand) and then click the direction you want, you will shoot a wave of sand,
similar to shockwave but smaller and faster 2 blocks wide, 2 blocks height,
it is weaker than the shockwave, but is more faster than it you can also change the direction the wave is going, and you can charge, just press and hold the sneak button, then when a smoke appears release it, a giant wave of sand 4 blocks wide 4 blocks height will be launched, but charged waves can't change the direction (need to be in a
sand bendable block to this work) it have a cooldown of 1 second, as it don't do so much damage.

SandTorrent: It's the junction of earthblast and torrent, to use it
just press the crouch button (default shift) in a sand bendable block
when it's selected, click on the target you want, a block of sand followed
by big stream of sand will be launched in the target, it's weaker than
the torrent and earthblast abilitys, but it's faster and have a bigger range
than both, it also have a bigger stream of sand than torrent stream of water
and if a enemie touch it he will get slow effect you can also change the direction of the blast.


Absorption: A ability that absorb water and fire attacks, to use, just
crouch looking on a sand bendable block, when selected just click on the
direction of were you want to shoot, if it touch the water the water attack
(torrent, watermanipulation) the water attack will disappear and the sand block
will fall down and disappear too, if touch fire, the fire will disappear and turn the sand into glass, but if used against airswipe the air will disappear, but it also knock the sand back to you, hurting you, only if you dodge this. If you click with that without using the sneak button, a wall of sand, 3 blocks wide 4 blocks height will rise from the ground, protecting you against all blasts, but it will fall back to the ground after 4 seconds, making this a fast defensive move, also it not protect you against airswipe.

SandRun: This ability make you run faster in the sand, to use it just run and then left click, you will start to run faster and will left a temporaly stream of sand where you go
this ability is temporaly and you will only run faster for 10 seconds, it have the same
cooldown as firejet

SurfingSand: This ability looks like firejet, but more slower and it is more longer and use sand blocks, when you click on where you want to go you will ''surf'' to where you are looking with a path of sand following you it is temporaly, and it stop after 6 seconds, when it stop you will fall back to the ground and all the sand path created too, it have the cooldown of 3 seconds


Decreased Hunger Food is not a easy thing to find in the desert
that's why the sandbenders have to adapt.

BreakGround: Like the earthbenders can bend in sand, sandbenders can bend
in earth, to use this just crouch when looking to a earth block, the block will turn into
Sand and then you can bend it.

well those are the abilitties, and now i will explain why i think you should add the sandbending
1: the earth attacks are too solid and can't you dont bend sand even using sand blocks
2: the reason that you dont bend sand even with sand blocks is that wen you use any of the earth attacks
the sand is turned into arenite, solid earth

Now why dont just add the ability's on the earth bending slots?
1: The fact that will be too OP if 7 new abilitys be added in the earthbending slot's
2: In the show The Last Airbender the sandbenders are originally earthbenders who learned how to
bend a not solid earth, that means they were earthbenders but generations of sandbenders have been passed, so they probably don't even know how to bend solid earth so well
3: SandBending is the reverse of earthbending, cause it's not solid earth, and the bending style is inspired on air and water bending.

So that's why i think this should be a separated bending, cause even being earthbending ist's really different, even lavabending look's more like earthbending, but if even with that explanation,
you prefer to add to earth bending i hope you add some of that skills

But i really hope you guys create this as a new type of bending to the plugin
i just hope sandbenders don't be forgotten
I might add some of your thought features in my thread "classes elements" to the SandBender Tribe. Mostly the passive ones ;)
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