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WaterWave improvement

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Verified Member
First off, LOVE the new water abilities. Especially waterwave. Having just tested the ability, I think it is amazing, just a few suggestions for it's improvement, if you all don't mind. 1, perhaps make it last longer? I feel as though it is too short, and does not get me as far as I feel it should. I mean, When Katara used a wave to travel across the cavern in the crystal catacombs to reach Aang after he was shot with lightning by Azula, that wave managed to carry her an awfully long time. My second suggestion is that you allow the wave to carry the player down to the ground completely, as when I use it, I occasionally take fall damage upon the dissipation of the wave. but, other than these two comments, I LOVE the new abilities.


Verified Member
I don't have a problem with the time. I mainly just have an issue with how long it takes to start up the WaterWave and how long it takes to stop. I'll probably end up just making another suggestion thread though.


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Yes, does kind of take a bit of time to start up. However, my main concern is how little the distance is that it moves you, and how it can cause fall damage.


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WaterWave Configuration file:

Range: 6
ChargeTime: 1000
FlightTime: 2000
Speed: 1.2

You can change all of those options in the configuration file, if you want it to last longer increase the flight time, if you want it to move faster increase the speed, and if you want a shorter charge time decrease ChargeTime. The reason the defaults are low is because there is no cooldown when using the ability, so you can essentially chain endless WaterWaves together, where as FireJet does have a cooldown. Also bending a huge wave would be a bit harder then just creating fire at your feet so it should be slightly less in my opinion. I have plans to deal with water bottles in the future.

Similarly to FireJet, try to land your wave fairly close to the ground or a block you can land on that way you aren't falling that far. You have to be careful not to go up higher than you can survive.


Verified Member
as for the fall damage, I do certainly think thats something that could be dealt with, as a wave, when collapsing on the show, would likely drop the waterbender on the ground without damage. I think that having the wave drop you on the ground without damage is fine, as well as firejet.


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If a fire bender didn't have the strength to keep his FireJet going and he was 500 feet from the ground he would likely fall to his death, not glide with style safely to the ground.

I don't like the idea of FireJet and WaterWave having that safety precaution, then the bender wouldn't have to be smart about the direction they chose to use the ability. I chose WaterWave to be that length because I felt that it was the most balanced at 1 second charge time, and 2 seconds flight time. It was just my opinion and not everyone is going to agree with it, but I made sure to put those options in the config file that way you guys wouldn't be bound by my defaults.


Verified Member
First off, LOVE the new water abilities. Especially waterwave. Having just tested the ability, I think it is amazing, just a few suggestions for it's improvement, if you all don't mind. 1, perhaps make it last longer? I feel as though it is too short, and does not get me as far as I feel it should. I mean, When Katara used a wave to travel across the cavern in the crystal catacombs to reach Aang after he was shot with lightning by Azula, that wave managed to carry her an awfully long time. My second suggestion is that you allow the wave to carry the player down to the ground completely, as when I use it, I occasionally take fall damage upon the dissipation of the wave. but, other than these two comments, I LOVE the new abilities.
i think that when u surge people and freeze them with shift the outside layer should be *ice* and the inside should be water so its like a drowning trap but then you would have to add a disperse effect so its not 100% op but think it would be an amazing idea ive been trying to figure out how to code it but im a noob lol

but i know it would take minimal effort


Verified Member
What about having 2 diffrent ranges? When the WaterWave is used on the ground, not in the air, it would last slightly longer then when you use it go up with it or to land softly when falling. I'd think bending a wave over a surface would be easier then using it to go up very straightly or 'flying' for a short period of time.


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I see no reason why both firejet and waterwave couldn't be modified by you guys to last a little longer.
First of all that sounds a bit rude to me. Second of all, we let you configure it for yourself. This is how we think it should be but we give you freedom to choose however you want it.


Verified Member
I simply feel that waterwave should have the improvements I suggested, to enable the ability to be as good as it can possibly be, and comparable to the ability in the show. I mean, a wave would almost certainly gently let the waterbender down, as it did with Katara when she stopped it to get Aang.


Verified Member
First of all that sounds a bit rude to me. Second of all, we let you configure it for yourself. This is how we think it should be but we give you freedom to choose however you want it.
Sorry, was not trying to be rude. Of course, tones are pretty hard to determine with text. and what are you talking about, configuring it for myself? is there a command for players to do that?


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Sorry, was not trying to be rude. Of course, tones are pretty hard to determine with text. and what are you talking about, configuring it for myself? is there a command for players to do that?
You have to ask your server owner to do it. Its controlled on a server to server basis.


Verified Member
Anyway, I think it would be a good idea to extend the default times for which fire jet and water wave. In the show, both abilities have been demonstrated to last a good amount of time. I also think it would be good to allow at least water wave to drop the user safely on the ground, if not both.


Verified Member
Anyway, I think it would be a good idea to extend the default times for which fire jet and water wave. In the show, both abilities have been demonstrated to last a good amount of time. I also think it would be good to allow at least water wave to drop the user safely on the ground, if not both.
Venus, this is a suggestion thread. Repeating what you want won't increase the chances of this being changed. You made the thread, now all that's left to do is wait.


Verified Member
Venus, this is a suggestion thread. Repeating what you want won't increase the chances of this being changed. You made the thread, now all that's left to do is wait.
I was adding to my reasoning as to why this should be done. And no offense, but it's not really your place to tell me that.
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