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Denied WaterRun

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Verified Member
Name: WaterRun
Class: Airbending
Sub-skill: None
Type: Passive
Introduction: While holding the jump key, sprint to start running across the water. If you stop doing either of those tasks, this passive will stop - dropping you into water If you're above it.

If not a passive, this could be an extention to airscooter. This technique is useful when you need to escape waterbender's (aka. watercampers) territory.

Avatar Wiki said:
Enhanced speed: Airbenders enhance their movement in battle; they can run swiftly by decreasing air resistance around them and even sprint across or run up vertical surfaces by generating a wind current behind themselves to propel them forward. Aang used this to run many times faster than an average human and maintain this for long periods, allowing him to travel long distances without gliding or jumping. When used by a skilled airbender, this technique can enable the airbender using it to travel at a speed almost too swift for the naked eye to be able to see properly.[4] A master airbender can use this technique to briefly run across water.[25]


Verified Member
Good luck doing so in water. Besides, you can cross water with airspout- - actually, why didn't I think about it :D I just wasted my time posting this lel.


Verified Member
Good luck doing so in water. Besides, you can cross water with airspout- - actually, why didn't I think about it :D I just wasted my time posting this lel.
airscooter works fine for this and this would make air way too op.
As you both said, there are other methods to cross water.. Airscooter is the easiest/fastest way to do so -- airspout can do it too if you want to be slow.

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