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Verified Member
I think water should be as close to the show as possible so I came up with this idea (similar to Waterorigin but not the same).

So like in the title, it would be a passiv ability. To activate right click on water. After right clicking water the water will channel around your neck like in the scene where katara fights against the earthbenders of the Earthkingdom.

Now that you have activated it, it will follow you everywhere and will only disapear if you rightclick the ground 2 times (Otherwise it will ALWAYS come back). You can use all moves and if server owners want to, they can allow specific combos to be useable with this source or not.

Why do we need this passive? Water is bound too much to a lake or a river, not able to move from it without bottles. The problem about bottles is that the water doesn't always come back, and not every server allows bottles in arena. I'd like that water would stand a chance against the other elements on land, not forced to stay near their source.

But what could we do to reduce watercampers for once and for all?
Remove fastswim to balance it with the new sourcing method.

I hope you like it, if you did like it let me know, if you didn't like it let me know too.
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Verified Member
You can't right click a non-solid block for the applied interaction to happen. Of course, there is a solution which would required a solid block next to the water, and upon clicking on that solid block will toggle the action if the water block happens to be next to that clicked block.

IMO, this would just look horrible. I like the way how the current torrent requires you to be in a stance (crouching), since you are "lifting that weight" around your shoulders, like the whole CIRCLE. I Imagine somehow being realistic, since with this (use of) passive ability you would be able to bring water from the very taiga/ocean biome, even throught to the very dried-up desert. It would be obviously tiring for a waterbender to walk that far while carrying the bended water, including physically, since your hands and other limbs are bond to the whole bending manipulation and it would require to maintain the same hand position or repeative hand motion to sustain this ringy midegy thing (how do you spell that word?).
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Verified Member
You can't right click a non-solid block for the applied interaction to happen. Of course, there is a solution which would required a solid block next to the water, and upon clicking on that solid block will toggle the action if the water block happens to be next to that clicked block.

IMO, this would just look horrible. I like the way how the current torrent requires you to be in a stance (crouching), since you are "lifting that weight" around your shoulders, like the whole CIRCLE. I Imagine somehow being realistic, since with this (use of) passive ability you would be able to bring water from the very taiga/ocean biome, even throught to the very dried-up desert. It would be obviously tiring for a waterbender to walk that far while carrying the bended water, including physically, since your hands and other limbs are bond to the whole bending manipulation and it would require to maintain the same hand position or repeative hand motion to sustain this ringy midegy thing (how do you spell that word?).
Agreed, don't like my idea anymore, lol.


Verified Member
I'm not sure how I feel about this, I can see both pros and cons.

I'm marking this thread as pending review.


Verified Member
What about making this passive to torrent. While still crouching and channeling the water ring allow, you will be able to change the executed into another shifting one (surge, octopusform, waterwave). That will work as long you don't launch the circular wave and torrent attack.


Verified Member
What about making this passive to torrent. While still crouching and channeling the water ring allow, you will be able to change the executed into another shifting one (surge, octopusform, waterwave). That will work as long you don't launch the circular wave and torrent attack.
I've already suggested something like that (got looking into) but you could also shoot manip and iceblast from your torrent. You should look it up, i think it's called Water addon/combo or something like that :D.


Verified Member
I've already suggested something like that (got looking into) but you could also shoot manip and iceblast from your torrent. You should look it up, i think it's called Water addon/combo or something like that :D.
I seen it already, but thanks for requesting me though :).


Verified Member
Anyone has other thoughts about this passive? If this type of an ability were now to be almost introduced in the game, despite my argument, it will have to be transferred to the torrent ability.
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