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Denied Waterbenders and airbenders

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Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I suggest that Waterbenders get an extended breath time underwater because they would be able to manipulate the water around them and give themselves more oxygen. I also suggest that air benders be able to do this too as they would be able to manipulate the oxygen in the water and give themselves more breath time.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I know, but this would allow Waterbenders to use more moves whilst underwater, which they can't do while holding shift to use waterbubble, and this would allow airbenders to travel farther and fight underwater skirmishes without having to sneak. The time wouldn't be much longer, but an increase in breath time would make sense.


Staff member
Denied because abilities like Air/WaterBubble exist.

Whenever we saw benders using this ability they were actively bending, and weren't necessarily able to do much else.
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