So, does fire need to be reworked? Firebending is a fast, offensive element. The only way this is represented in the plugin is that the defenses of fire are weak. If water needs to be reworked, so do the rest of the elements.
Fire is the most offensive element in the plugin, even their shields do damage. That's pretty offensive if you ask me, also almost all of their moves expect illumination deal damage (I killed someone with heat control lol)
And fire is the fastest element after air, Yes water has waterwave. But that requires a source, it requires you to wait untill it circles around you and then it requires another 1 sec to charge it. And water wave it's speed decays over the duration
Earth has catapult but thats just slow and not accurate. And earthsmash requires a charge
While fire has a instant jet move that doesnt require source has no charge and short cooldown which can go even faster if you do jetblast combo