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Denied Water Arms (not blocky)

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I hope that the coders will look at this open minded and unbiased. When I opened this suggestion I expected to see tons of players 'raging' why this is an overused idea and that stuff... which didn't really happen. I hope it gets implented c:


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Rain isn't a particle effect. It's a large texture moving in a downward motion.
I think they mean the dripWater effect, when it's raining and water particles fall from under tree leaves, or when there's water above a block and water particles fall from it.


Verified Member
There are many reasons water arms won't be accepted, as you can't out over 7 techniques into one move.

But if your talking about just creating it for one use only, what would that one use be?


Verified Member
There are many reasons water arms won't be accepted, as you can't out over 7 techniques into one move.

But if your talking about just creating it for one use only, what would that one use be?
Well... many moves in the plugin have Way more possiblities than they have in the show... So I don't really see your point there.
and techincally you can put a few techniques in this. Once activated you could: L-clicking, holding shift, tap-shift, (maybe even R-click), (or, if possible, hold-shift + click) All for a different possiblity.

What I see in water arms is that waterbenders can enter land without being stuck or run out of sources.
In the plugin, you need 1 water source for 1 move, then the water dissapears. Because of this, waterbenders need A LOT sources or else they're underpowered. In the show how ever, water benders could still be skillful without that many water sources. How? because they reuse their water. They didn't drop their water when they used it for one attack and let it poor into the earth and then went looking for new ones. I think what is something that could be improved in the plugin, is making waterbending more like in the show. Also, plantbending should be improved too. I think it's way unbalanced now.

back to that 1 source for 1 move thing. In the show it's shown that they used 1 sources for many moves untill they had used all the water. If water benders in the plugin could do that, they wouldn't have to spam watermanipulation when someone is near tall grass. When I see a skillful water bender fight for example and earthbender, and the water bender got somehow on the land, ran out fo water, he moslty has 2 possibilities: 1) Run like hell to the water 2) if there are any plants near, use them to spam water manipulation.


Verified Member
You should see where I am getting at. Having multiple techniques within one move isn't as easy as you seem to think it is. A ProjectKorra developer already pointed out In a previous thread that water arms could not be made due to limits within the coding. You can't put multiple combat techniques, climbing, "monkey bar" swinging, an alternative to water spout being used on land (holding yourself up with the arms), grapple hook usage, and more still allowing you to bend other moves into one bend. That is how this move would unbalance the plugin.

And what you're saying is that you would like to make Waterbenders over powered on land. The plugin needs balance, and with "reusing sources" it gets unbalanced. Every element has their own limits and waters limit is when sources come in. And yes you technically can reuse your own source, with bottle bending.
And by the way, most Waterbending moves (especially waterarms) don't have any warm up, also limiting abilitys.


Verified Member
I understand the concept behind it being difficult to code so don't reply to me saying coding.

I thought this plugin was meant to be fairly close to what the show does? And to be fair all the other elements have a lot of moves that don't require a charge up time, so why is that an issue? :S

Also reusing water on land isn't making it OP, it's giving the water bender the ability to fight back. If you're concerned with how strong water arms could be offensively, go on a server that is more oriented to a different element or even go on a ranked server, those who have the OP moves probably earned it if the ranking system is managed fairly.


Verified Member
You should see where I am getting at. Having multiple techniques within one move isn't as easy as you seem to think it is. A ProjectKorra developer already pointed out In a previous thread that water arms could not be made due to limits within the coding. You can't put multiple combat techniques, climbing, "monkey bar" swinging, an alternative to water spout being used on land (holding yourself up with the arms), grapple hook usage, and more still allowing you to bend other moves into one bend. That is how this move would unbalance the plugin.

And what you're saying is that you would like to make Waterbenders over powered on land. The plugin needs balance, and with "reusing sources" it gets unbalanced. Every element has their own limits and waters limit is when sources come in. And yes you technically can reuse your own source, with bottle bending.
And by the way, most Waterbending moves (especially waterarms) don't have any warm up, also limiting abilitys.
Yes, ofcourse all thse things do not fit in one move. And Don't mean that they should. I think 3-2 moves should be the max. And there are some abilties that I also do not want in waterarms like the climbing etc. Waterbenders already have waterwave, waterspout and surgejet to reach hights. And I don't want water to be overpowered at land at all. How I (personally, I get that poeple might think diff) would like water is to be a bit more powerfull on land, and a bit Less powerful with a lot water sources. When a waterbender has a lot sources they're more like a bit overpowered because there are sources al around their opponent. When not, they are easy to take out. I think that that balance could use some progress. When there are a lot sources, water is balanced, when there are less sources, water can still defend enough to stay at least a life. And ofcourse: When there are just to few sources, they die like now :)

Back to those techniques. This is what I think would work out within WaterArms:

-Combat: Just left click, or double click to hit someone with your arm by extending it. When you double L-clikc the arm gets an ice tip. Same concept that surge and torrent use to freeze by double L-clicking.
-(Maybe)Higher jump(not climbing!): Just hold shift or something to launch yourself with your arms to jump a bit higher (+-3 blocks high, comparable to HighJump), It has a cooldown.

And as seen in the show, they still ran out of water when they used their water arms. Like book 3 TLK, when Korra's father fought Zaheer. You could see that everytime he did an attack he lost a bit of his water.
I think that it would be fair if you can only use 5 abilities before your arms run out of water.


Verified Member
Back to those techniques. This is what I think would work out within WaterArms:

-Combat: Just left click, or double click to hit someone with your arm by extending it. When you double L-clikc the arm gets an ice tip. Same concept that surge and torrent use to freeze by double L-clicking.
-(Maybe)Higher jump(not climbing!): Just hold shift or something to launch yourself with your arms to jump a bit higher (+-3 blocks high, comparable to HighJump), It has a cooldown.

And as seen in the show, they still ran out of water when they used their water arms. Like book 3 TLK, when Korra's father fought Zaheer. You could see that everytime he did an attack he lost a bit of his water.
I think that it would be fair if you can only use 5 abilities before your arms run out of water.
I think that's a great selection of moves it can do :D


Verified Member
Why not use fallingsand waterblocks?
Combien thousands of particles to an arm will be laggy. And not as clean as fallingsand blocks that winds to the target. It will be more like octypus arms. When i think of it waterarms can be an extansion of octupusform maby if you tap shift one time [preesed] [let go] [press again] quite fast and then the arms will combien into one and reach for the nearby player(follow your mouse moves)


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Why not use fallingsand waterblocks?
Combien thousands of particles to an arm will be laggy. And not as clean as fallingsand blocks that winds to the target. It will be more like octypus arms. When i think of it waterarms can be an extansion of octupusform maby if you tap shift one time [preesed] [let go] [press again] quite fast and then the arms will combien into one and reach for the nearby player(follow your mouse moves)
In 1.8 it's not possible to spawn FallingSand with a liquid ID. That means we can't summon FallingSand with a water or lava texture. MC doesn't render them anymore because they could cause lagg.


Verified Member
I really don't get what the coeders' issues are with water arms. It's a very basic move performed by many waterbenders. Actually almost all waterbenders who were skilled:

-Katara: Book 2 And book 3, many many times.
-Kya: In her only fightscene she uses it against Zaheer, to grab him.
-Tarlak(Korra's father) He uses it in Laghima's peak
-Ming-hua, DUH
-Amon's brother (forgot his name)
-Amon's brother's Crew: When they attack that Chi hide out with Amon's Brother and Korra, when they were about to enter the basement, they wrapped streams of water around their bodies and hads
-Korra, against Chi, agianst Unalaq, Etc. (many more examples)
-Unalaq: Against Korra
-Unalaq'q army: When they invaded the South and those kids threw snowballs at those soldiers, they did the same as Amon's Brother's Crew,
-Southern waterbenders: They did the same as Unalaq'q soldiers, when they wanted to protect the kids. Before they could battle Korra interrupted.
-Need more?

I only noted the most common, it is used more common. Of some I didn't write some examples because they just do it a lot
Also, people seem to asume way too fast that water arms is to be used as Ming-Hue used them! There don't necessarily need to be 2 arms.In some of these examples of poeple who used it, many used it only for one arm and extend it to, for example, grab someone (or slap like katara di to Pakku c;). Also, poeple don't asume water arms will be OP s fuck ._. As all moves it would have configurable demage, and it would be limitted. What some people say is that it is impossible to code because waterarms can be used for:
-and more

If you pay attention at the series you would note that almost All moves in the plugin Also had Way more possibilities in the series... If waterarms was to get added, it would/could easily just have reduced possibilities to 2 or 3, instead of 10. Example of how the water arms could could work:

Waterarms: click source and set up etc.

left click: attack with arm
tap shift: Jump a little bit higher by using your arms
hold shift: something else maybe (optional)

Poeple may also say that this makes water OP in terms of land bending. It wouldn't because, because water arms should only last for a small period of time.

example: When you set up WaterArms you can walk around with them as much as you can, but you can only perform 5+- moves, after you did those you will run out of water and your arms will disappear. Great examples of this are Ming-Hua and Korra's Father

When they used their water arms a lot, they lost a little bit of water in everything they did, resulting in leaving them without sources.

Ming-Hua: When she used her arms in the cave were Korra was held, and she fought Mako, she ran out of water because she lost a little bit of water everytime she blocked his attacks

Korra's Father: When he and korra fought Zaheer at Laghima's peak, he also had his water arms with him, but when he was in a combat with Zaheer, he ran out of water because he lost a bit every time he attacked Zaheer and missed.

I'd say that performing 5 moves maybe should work well.

Also for those who are saying it would look afwull because it is blocky: It's minecraft... everything is blocky. Look at earthbender, or have you see icewave? Blockyness is part of Minecraft. -no offense btw c:


Verified Member
I agree with what some people have said about this move making things unbalanced. On land, a waterbender has as lot of options as it is, and that's good, if you ask me. My main element is water and I actually like having to bend from a source, it makes it more realistic to the show. On many occasions in the show, running out of water has been a struggle for waterbenders, and it should be in the plugin as well. I do agree that some water re-use would make sense because of what we see in the plugin, but waterarms is not the way to implement it.
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