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Wall grab

Would you like to see this move implimeneted

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Verified Member
Ancient art form~ Chiblocking (Since this isn't a element)
Move~ Wall hook/wall grab
Charge time~ none
Duration~ How ever long they hold shift
Cool down~ Very small/none
Binding the move~ /bending bind wallgrab (slot #)

This move would allow the chiblocker to cling to a solid surface/ And if they use this ability well enough, would allow them to scale a surface. How the move would work is the chiblocker would aim at a wall that goes up to down, your average wall, the chiblocker will then click in the direction of the wall, propelling themselves into that direction, and before they make contact they will need to hold shift, if shift gets held before they reach the wall they cling to that point of the wall until they release their shift or get knocked off via bending/ attack. The chiblocker could possibly scale the wall if the ability is used very carefully and skillfully. This ability could be used to also leap out of the way of a very deadly attack coming at the chiblocker, There could be a way to implement that if they use this ability as a dodge to avoid a fireblast for example that the ability will need a cooldown time, but if they use it then hold shift onto a wall to cling to it, no cooldown would be needed and they can scale the wall. Also it would need to be a solid/stable material. So ice/sand/gravel wouldn't be able to be grabbed/clung to.

Although I have seen this ability used in the show, I sadly couldn't find a good picture of the move, or a good clip, so I guess spider man will be our model of how the move works.



God Tier Member
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I think a wall jump / grab move would be very useful to a chi-blocker. (Never played as chi before so I don't know that well :p)


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Just because they use it to grab a wall is no reason to not have a cooldown on it. If something like that were to happen they could just grab the wall for a second and let go, thereby dodging and not having a cooldown.


Verified Member
I think there needs to be a limit on HOW LONG they can stay up on the wall.. I guarantee everyone will have those people who camp up where you can't attack them with this move if you can do it indefinitely.


Verified Member
Using this ability would really allow for an attack back,they would need to focus on holding shift,meaning they couldn't go afk. Also not really camping,more of a run away tactic,or to avoid mass harm. Getting hit while climbing could throw the chi blocker off. If the chiblocker sits there for to long, lets say 10 seconds they start sliding off?


Verified Member
I think maybe even 5 seconds, as this keeps it as a method of dodging/evading and disallows camping entirely.


Verified Member
This move couldn't be used as a camping tactic,bending has range, If a firebender for say wants the chiblocker off the wall, a nice fireblast could do the trick. Also you would have to physically hold shift in order to stay on the wall,and the chiblocker cant use anymoves while on the wall.


New Member
This move couldn't be used as a camping tactic,bending has range, If a firebender for say wants the chiblocker off the wall, a nice fireblast could do the trick. Also you would have to physically hold shift in order to stay on the wall,and the chiblocker cant use anymoves while on the wall.
I could also see this being used as a great mobility move for chiblockers. I think it's a great idea. Just may need some tweaks here and there.


Verified Member
This move couldn't be used as a camping tactic,bending has range, If a firebender for say wants the chiblocker off the wall, a nice fireblast could do the trick. Also you would have to physically hold shift in order to stay on the wall,and the chiblocker cant use anymoves while on the wall.
Depending on how high the boost to the wall is depends on weather they can be hit or not, you should specify how many blocks it would propel the user.


Verified Member
Airbenders can knock them off still, Airspout would give them more range, Also airsuction would pull them right off.
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