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Denied Wall Damage [Air]

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Verified Member
We all know a blast of air doesn't cause damage in the Avatar World and in MC. But we do know that you take damage when you hit a wall. Like Tenzin bursting the Red Lotus to the wall when he said "Yes I do.". Yeah, it hurt. So what i'm saying is blasting people to a block, a wall will cause a little damage.

Available to:
AirBlast (takes half a heart away)
AirBurst (takes 2 hearts away)
AirSwipe (takes 1.5 hearts away)
AirSuction (hitting backwards, takes 1.5 hearts away)

Hope you like the idea! :cool::)


Verified Member
Hold on, *nom nom nom nom*
Sorry wast eating an apple.
Yes it is possible, everything is possible in MC. ;)
This has been suggested/mentioned quite a few times. Impact damage is, from what ive heard the many coders on project korra say, extremely difficult to code. Maybe one day they'll figure it ouf but dont get your hopes up.


It's really hard to define to MC what a wall is. You describe a wall to me, it's not so easy, and it's even harder to a computer. Personally, I think the idea I had with GreenGabe a while back of velocity difference (if you go from X ms^-1 to 0ms^-1 in a near instantaneous period of time, chances are you hit a wall) would be the best way to measure this. As for assigning damage, rather than the specific moves, the change from your speed to the 0 would probably be a better way of measuring :)


Verified Member
It's really hard to define to MC what a wall is. You describe a wall to me, it's not so easy, and it's even harder to a computer. Personally, I think the idea I had with GreenGabe a while back of velocity difference (if you go from X ms^-1 to 0ms^-1 in a near instantaneous period of time, chances are you hit a wall) would be the best way to measure this. As for assigning damage, rather than the specific moves, the change from your speed to the 0 would probably be a better way of measuring :)
Well, maybe it's hard to tell what a wall is, but in TLA and TLK people also did get demage from things that were not walls. I think it's logical that when you get blasted against a 1x1 block, you'd get some demage, too. Maybe less, but still. c:


Verified Member
It's really hard to define to MC what a wall is. You describe a wall to me, it's not so easy, and it's even harder to a computer. Personally, I think the idea I had with GreenGabe a while back of velocity difference (if you go from X ms^-1 to 0ms^-1 in a near instantaneous period of time, chances are you hit a wall) would be the best way to measure this. As for assigning damage, rather than the specific moves, the change from your speed to the 0 would probably be a better way of measuring :)
That's pretty much what I was inquiring with the measuring blocks per second thing.


Staff member
Denied because this has been suggested before and that thread is already "Pending Review"
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