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Tutorial: How to create an ability in ProjectKorra


Verified Member
sorry but i am not faking i am a coder i made 2 plugins just now
That's like extremely hard to create 2 plugins and a bending move all in one day. Unless the plugins are you type like /hi and it says something to you, I suggest you stop lying.


Verified Member
Guys, he's actually right. he did make a plugin, he sent it to me. I tried it out on my server and it works. it's nothing fancy but it does work. so I hereby apologise to Gabe for calling him a liar.


Verified Member
Hi. I'd just like to make this statement here, where the offenders are.
Just because I say something to a forum member, does not mean that you all should jump on the wagon and harass him. I understand people get frustrated, and some people just shouldn't be on here, but that does not give you the right to treat other members of the same social ranking any sort of unpleasant treatment. Don't be a follower. Create your own path.


New Member
this is probably going to sound stupid, but how would one make a runnable task in the listener, like, what would you do instead of putting 'plugin'? (if that is even possible)


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
The listener would still have the ProjectKorra.plugin for the runnable task. I would recommend using BukkitRunnables() for any tasks that you are going to do.

//In the Listener class and more specifically inside a method
BukkitRunnable br = new BukkitRunnable(){
public void run(){
// Your Code Goes here.
// For Example
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("This event happened 2 seconds ago.");
long delay = 40; // In ticks, so 20 ticks to the second.
br.runTaskDelay(ProjectKorra.plugin, delay);

The ProjectKorra.plugin part is always going to be there no matter which file you put it in.
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New Member
The listener would still have the ProjectKorra.plugin for the runnable task. I would recommend using BukkitRunnables() for any tasks that you are going to do.

//In the Listener class and more specifically inside a method
BukkitRunnable br = new BukkitRunnable(){
public void run(){
// Your Code Goes here.
// For Example
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("This event happened 2 seconds ago.");
long delay = 40; // In ticks, so 20 ticks to the second.
br.runTaskDelay(ProjectKorra.plugin, delay);

The ProjectKorra.plugin part is always going to be there no matter which file you put it in.
ahh thank you soo much, by plugin, what i meant was, "i havent a clue what i put here cos im derpy" xD, but your answer clears it up, thanks <3


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
No problem, I'm just glad somebody is finally using the tutorial :p


New Member
so another question, do i assume they have the permission? or do i have to check if player has permission(blah blah)?