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Tremor-sense alternative

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Verified Member
I've seen quite a lot of people saying that tremor-sense is next to useless, so I propose a change that is not too far from what is implemented currently while expanding on the utility of the skill.

What I propose:

- Upon using tremor-sense the players/mobs/config-set items within X radius and touching the ground are noted.

- Client-side glow-stone beneath the player's feet points off in the direction of these noted items for X seconds, informing the earth-bender that mobs/players are there and in which direction. There should be a moderate cooldown for this, however, so players can still attempt to hide.

-Extra (if possible): Different blocks could be used client-side so that earth-benders can "read" what types of things they have detected. Perhaps obsidian pointing to non-player enemies, cobble pointing to non-player passives, and glow-stone pointing towards other players?

Result: Earth-benders would gain the ability to detect nearby enemies, see past their own earth-bended obstacles, and generally gain a very useful skill.


Verified Member
it would be hard to setup i think :s but something like this atleast like you do the earthbender stomp and can see things (like shown up here by sekoshiba) but also so that you might be blinded for the time being but can see hide stuff like mobs,palyer and cearin items (ores mayby :s))

i think treamorsence need a more functional update if its able to code :3


Verified Member
I like the way tremor sense works for the most part. To make it more similar to toph's tremor sense though, whenever the player presses shift while they have the slot or item selected, similar to blaze, a sonar effect of glowstone should go out around them - like a pulse of glowstone. This would allow them to see better.

Thoughts? Was actually going to make a suggestion thread about this myself until I saw this thread.


Verified Member
Well, I think that it would cause some lag, and I don't really like this idea as much as the one in the first post. It is still good and I can see where you are coming from at this.


Verified Member
How about player mobs and entity's in a raids get a thing of glow stone under them so you can see them in the dark that way no one can sneak up on you. Just a idea.
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