Verified Member
Hellllo everybody, Now I know this suggestion has been suggested millions of times, but I thought to myself ways it can be different from the others.
How Will this work?
You may say that " Torrent being redirectable would make it a copy ability" or "Torrent being able to be redirectable would make it like other water abilities". In my head, the attacker would shoot a torrent. When they shoot the torrent the target would still get hit dealing its normal damage and knockback. There's also a catch, the enemy can source the streaming water coming at you. When you source from it you can use torrent to make another one send it back, while dealing damage of the first torrent. There's also a rare chance that when you source of the first torrent you will redirect it without getting hurt. Meaning, in a rare chance you can redirect the torrent. You can also edit this in the Project Korra Config files. Those are the ideas I have in mind now, If you have any more ideas to add on to this thread make a reply.
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