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Denied Sandbending Variety

Should This Be Added?

  • Yes, This can represent sandbenders better.

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • No, This is going to be overpowered.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't think this can be done.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Needs some editing.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Verified Member
This is going to make sandbending a actual thing. No new moves. Just make it so that if you are bending sand blocks, then it moves faster and you can use more at once, in exchange for damage of course. I just thought of this idea a couple seconds ago, so you probably should add on constructive criticism if you think it should be edited in a way.


Verified Member
I am sorry, I am mistaking this. That can be done, as a earthbending version of torrent, but maybe you people could put suggestions of changes to moves. Maybe shockwave could have a lower warmup time. Somthing like that.


Verified Member
I suggested something similar not too long ago. It would be nice if lighter forms of earth all did less damage but moved quicker.

I like this!


Verified Member
This is going to make sandbending a actual thing. No new moves. Just make it so that if you are bending sand blocks, then it moves faster and you can use more at once, in exchange for damage of course. I just thought of this idea a couple seconds ago, so you probably should add on constructive criticism if you think it should be edited in a way.
umm this is in airbending with tornado


Verified Member
look at bordalandsdude19's video of airbending it shows sandbending in it
When sand is falling, it becomes an entity. The Tornado moves sucks in entities are throws them. That's probably what you are seeing, because Sandbending doesn't really exist yet.


Verified Member
Maybe shockwave when clicked could be instead of a cone, it could be somthing like torrent inching along the ground, like what toph did here. That really does prove earthbending is faster in sand.


Verified Member
Okay then, we are getting off topic. Tornado is not sand bending, at all. Add suggestions please.


Verified Member
Um, why would you record a freaking thread? 'Sigh' I don't want this thread to get off topic, so I only want a response if you know the answer to this. And that means I don't want 3 people saying why he records this, I don't want people refraining from posting suggestions.


Verified Member
Um, why would you record a freaking thread? 'Sigh' I don't want this thread to get off topic, so I only want a response if you know the answer to this. And that means I don't want 3 people saying why he records this, I don't want people refraining from posting suggestions.
Earthblast should be launched in the ground just like a wave of sand like they did in the TLA show, and also be quicker with bigger range(two blocks more than normal) or just look the same as earthblast but with a stream of sand following this and be faster and bigger range, those two options do lower damage

shockwave should look smaller like a wave of sand when click in the direction, if you don't click just charge it should look normal but don't make everything transform into sandstone

but i really like this idea, i will support you, as i really want to see more sandbending in the plugin, even if that don't have new moves, just the fact that the move show more like sand i like it
Last edited:


Verified Member
Sand benders displayed a unique technique of being able to bend the sand in the form of a tornado. This was used as a means of transportation with a sand sailor, not free travel so maybe manipulate the moves mechanics and possibilities to suit Minecraft?
-Sand benders look at a piece of soft earth material and hold shift continuously to start a small swirling vortex of sand on top of it, the player can then move the cursor around in a small range to move the tornado. Any mob or player in a range of this would begin taking small damage, and eventually the sand tornado's current would stop flowing due to friction.
-The move would not last forever, but a decent amount of time to apply fast, manageable damage. Possibly if the player gets near it they would take the minimal damage from it but as it approaches them(or vis versa) they begin to take more damage from the dense, piercing sand.


Verified Member
Sand benders displayed a unique technique of being able to bend the sand in the form of a tornado. This was used as a means of transportation with a sand sailor, not free travel so maybe manipulate the moves mechanics and possibilities to suit Minecraft?
-Sand benders look at a piece of soft earth material and hold shift continuously to start a small swirling vortex of sand on top of it, the player can then move the cursor around in a small range to move the tornado. Any mob or player in a range of this would begin taking small damage, and eventually the sand tornado's current would stop flowing due to friction.
-The move would not last forever, but a decent amount of time to apply fast, manageable damage. Possibly if the player gets near it they would take the minimal damage from it but as it approaches them(or vis versa) they begin to take more damage from the dense, piercing sand.
That move could be combined with catapult. Catapult is pretty useful on it's own, but Sand Swirl is only operated using shift.


Verified Member
Earthblast should be launched in the ground just like a wave of sand like they did in the TLA show, and also be quicker with bigger range(two blocks more than normal) or just look the same as earthblast but with a stream of sand following this and be faster and bigger range, those two options do lower damage

shockwave should look smaller like a wave of sand when click in the direction, if you don't click just charge it should look normal but don't make everything transform into sandstone

but i really like this idea, i will support you, as i really want to see more sandbending in the plugin, even if that don't have new moves, just the fact that the move show more like sand i like it
Good idea, but lets make sure we aren't making earthbending op. Maybe it could do 75% damage to before, maybe 50% damage. Just keep in mind, we arn't trying to make earthbending overpowered. We are trying to make it so that sandbending is a thing, and we want to have a minimal amount of coding done, so that the people who actually program it can borrow sources from one another. They could make it so that earthblast is the same shape as torrent, and that would go with your idea.


Staff member
This suggestion has been denied because it is pretty much a duplicate. We aren't denying the idea itself, but to reduce the clutter we'll use one of the other Sandbending threads.
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