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Sand-Bending and Avatar State 2,3

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Verified Member
- I'll start with sandbending (Which is an earthbending move ofcoarse). My idea is that instead of bending Sand Blocks you bend Sand Particles. For example, You shift on sand and want to shoot your opponent. You click and sand particles hit the opponent giving him/her blindness for 3 seconds and knockback (3-4 blocks away). Also a move which you sneak and Sand particles come out (You need to be in a sandy place) and surround you giving your opponents that are near you blindness until they leave the area that you are bending sand on.

Now for the Avatar State,

there should be an Avatar State 2 which surrounds the player with air (Just like airshield) and Avatar State 3 (Which is kinda hard to code) which surrounds the player with the 4 elements (For earth are particles not blocks to make it less laggy and looks like rocks not blocks) and you can float and stuff. (Just like how Aang went Avatar State on Ozai) You need to be close to water and earth though in order for the ability to work.

Avatar State 2's bending are more verpowered than the normal Avatar State.

Avatar State 3's bending is the same level as Avatar State 2 but you don't need
a source to bend because you have the elements around you.

What do you guys think?
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Verified Member
I like the idea for sand bending, it would be a great add. For the Avatar state ones, Avatar State 2 can be done with normal avatar state, on most servers. Air Shield is a toggle in the avatar state.
For Avatar State 3, many suggestions have been made for it. Mist turned them down because the would "lag out servers" , but honestly it is air shield, water torrent, fire jet (with a fraction of fire shield) and some earth particles in the same fashion of the fire shield.


Verified Member
The suggestion has a decent idea plan, but please organize the post more!
Here is the link on how to organize your suggestions. [Here]
Sorry to nag on your post, but clean and neat posts are much more legible and easier to understand.
Again, decent concepts, keep up the good work!



Verified Member
The suggestion has a decent idea plan, but please organize the post more!
Here is the link on how to organize your suggestions. [Here]
Sorry to nag on your post, but clean and neat posts are much more legible and easier to understand.
Again, decent concepts, keep up the good work!

Working on it, lemme eat you. *nom nom nom nom*
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