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Remote Waterbending

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Verified Member
Maybe the surge will create an air gab where you stand if the source selection weren't directly looking at you.
Or lerts just make it so that when you try to launch, it will then rush throught pass you in a whip form but with the same, then infront of you the normal shape surge would then be launch.


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Would this apply to plantbending also?
Would this change all abilities that have a source range on them to your set amount?


Verified Member
Do you mean like how far does watermanipulation go and other projectiles? I think it will not change. It is better leave how it is, as some might say that it wpuld become without the default settings.


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1. Yes
2. Didn't get that question well. Mine rephrasing it?
You have a set range on this, while abilities have their own sourcerange, how far away from the source you have to be to select it. Would this effect that?


Verified Member
You have a set range on this, while abilities have their own sourcerange, how far away from the source you have to be to select it. Would this effect that?
Yes it would, if that's what im getting from you. Each ability would work if you are in 16 blocks radius, no matter what.

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
Wouldn't this conflict with Bottlebending?
I desagree with the radius range. In my opinion, and as stated above, the Waterbender should at least have had a glance of the source. I propose only a 180 degrees radius.

You are closest to a flower than to a river. If you use WaterManipulation, which of them would be bound?


Verified Member
With bottlebending it could be aranged: either the passive would be negated if you have already filled bottles and would reactivate when they are empty/lost or when you have it in your hand on certain slot (like slot 2 is surge) it will use the bending from that waterbottle for the certain ability it is. For the glancing lets maybe make it so if your curson at aimed at the body of water/snow/plant without being left clicked, the passive would then work. With 180° I don't accept. I would prefer to leave it how I suggested.
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