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Complete Put out lava & fire with airbending

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Verified Member
In the show, airbending is shown to be able to put out fires and cool lava, so I propose that some airbending abilities (not familiar with many, perhaps you guys could let me know what abilities would be good for this) be able to cool lava and put out fires like in the show, when Roku and Aang are shown using their airbending to cool lava.


Verified Member
Airbending can all ready put out fires with airswipe, airblast and airburst.;)
I think being able to cool down a lava bender's source block would be an unfair advantage for airbenders.
In addition Aang put allot of effort in cooling down lava so I think that if this would be emplemented only charged airswipe should be able to do the job.


Verified Member
Airbending can all ready put out fires with airswipe, airblast and airburst.;)
I think being able to cool down a lava bender's source block would be an unfair advantage for airbenders.
In addition Aang put allot of effort in cooling down lava so I think that if this would be emplemented only charged airswipe should be able to do the job.
Perhaps give it a charge or cooldown time?


It does both already, best moves to do so are AirSwipe, AirBlast and AirBurst.


Staff member
This is already in the plugin. As an added bonus, you can also use AirBlast on something (player / mob) that is on Fire and it will put them out!
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