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Poison Needles (chi)

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Verified Member
Used by Mae (besides from the poison part)as her main weapon, as a chi blocker this can be used to shoot little needles that so tiny damage but gives the enemy poison paralyzed or nasuia and blindness.

usage: just hold shift to shoot a few needles aka arrows and gives effect for short time like 10 sec the most

Cooldown: 3sec

Damage: in all there are 5 needles. Each will do 1/4 of a heart so in all it will do 1.5 hearts from a direct hit of 5 needles

Used for: If a bender is running and has bigger height than the chi blocker, this can be used to do somewhat moderate damage and slow them down

Config:from simpley a shot of a bow I think?

Hope you like


Verified Member
I know what it'd look like, I meant i cannot picture them actually adding this into the core plugin.

I can see it as a addon though.
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