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Well I the show plantbenders can use water on plants to do pretty much anything, since use water to make them grow, to even use the grown plants for creating a "plantmonster", as we see done by one of the swamp waterbenders.
Thought the only "move" that there is in the plugin is using plants as a water source
I've been thinking of a new passive for plantbenders
The passive would be that any plantbender would be able to grown plants or even "create" them out of grassblocks while having waterbottles.
It would get used if hold a water bottle in your hand or just in your inventory and you shift for 5 seconds while on ground, after the 5 seconds what would happen would be that the water in the water bottle would be consumed and the efect of bone meal would be applied on the floor beneath you:
If in a 5x5 area around you is any sapling or crops then they will each receave bone meal (the efect of a single bone meal), at the cost of the water in one of the users bottles.
There would need to be grassblocks, mycelium or podzol beneath you as well as with regular bone meal so you won't be creating plants from nothing, but from grass existing in the grassblocks, just by adding water to it...
What makes this not overpowered is that you actually need to be shifting for around 5 seconds and have waterbottles or waterbuckets with you. And anyway in the show plantbenders where shown to be able to make plants grow super fast and do amazing things with those plants, just by adding water to them.
This will turn up to be very usefull for waterbender as an utility and as a way to get more water sources