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Complete PK Config

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Verified Member
PK was said to be about configuration, but i really feel like there are parts missing. For this post ill go through the config, and what (in my opinion) needs to be added

Airburst - Needs a "Range" config option
Airswipe - Needs a "ChargeTime" config option

IceSpike - Needs "BlastDamage" "BlastRange" config option (IceSpike damage doesn't affect it's blast, same with range)
Bloodbending - Needs FullMoon option
Octopusform - Needs "Push" config option
Surge - Needs "Range" config option
Torrent - Needs "WaveRange" config option

LavaSurge - Needs "Damage" option
LavaFlow - Needs "FormSpeed" option

Shockwave - Needs "Damage" and "Range" config option
Fireburst - Needs "Range" config option
Lightning - Needs "Damage" config option
FireBlasts - Needs "ChargeTime" "ChargedRangeBlast" "ChargedRangePower"
(Power indicates the amount of tnt)

Note: I know PK is fairly new and still in development, I'm only posting this to help
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Verified Member
A separate config for charged FireBlast would be nice too, since the current config only affects the uncharged version.


Verified Member
Healing waters has a config options called 'interval', which I assume means it heals faster with a lower interval, but of course I could be completely wrong and this could be something else.


Verified Member
PK was said to be about configuration, but i really feel like there are parts missing. For this post ill go through the config, and what (in my opinion) needs to be added

Airburst - Needs a "Range" config option
Airswipe - Needs a "ChargeTime" config option
Bloodbending - Needs a "OnlyDuringFullMoon" config option
Healingwaters - Needs a "Power" effect, indicates the regenenation
IceSpike - Needs "BlastDamage" "BlastRange" config option (IceSpike damage doesn't affect it's blast, same with range)
Octopusform - Needs "Push" config option
Surge - Needs "Range" config option
Torrent - Needs "WaveRange" config option

Oh also, Please add "Plantbendable" and "Waterbendable" blocks to water. Like how Earth has "Metal-bendable and Earthbendable"

LavaSurge - Needs "Damage" config option
LavaFlow - Needs "Speed" config option (Indicates how fast the lava forms)
Shockwave - Needs "Damage" and "Range" config option
Fireburst - Needs "Range" config option
Lightning - Needs "Damage" config option

Note: I know PK is fairly new and still in development, I'm only posting this to help
1) Airburst does nothing more than create multiple airblasts around you or in a cone shape. Thus the range for this skill is configured in airblast..
2) Airswipe - added a pull request to add this.
3) Bloodbending - added a pull request to add this. - Defaults to FALSE
4) Healingwaters applies the regeneration potion effect to the player / target, you can slow this down by increasing the interval in the config. There's probably a cap on how fast you can heal (limited to minecraft's regen potion effect). It looks like the default value is 750, which is 3/4 of a second. You might lower this to 250 and see if it heals any quicker.
5) Iceblast - Added iceblast blast radius to config. Ice spike does not affect IceBlast at all... Be sure your IceBlast config looks like this:
      Enabled: true
      Damage: 3
      Range: 20
      Description: 'This ability offers a powerful ice utility for Waterbenders. It
        can be used to fire an explosive burst of ice at an opponent, spraying ice
        and snow around it. To use, simply tap sneak (Default: Shift) while targeting
        a block of ice to select it as a source. From there, you can just left click
        to send the blast off at your opponent.'
6) Octopus Form - added pushFactor to config & to source. (Defaults to 1.75)
7) Added WaveRange to config/source (Defaults to 15)

I'll look at adding some more of this when I get a few mins hopefully these will help! :D


Verified Member
1) Airburst does nothing more than create multiple airblasts around you or in a cone shape. Thus the range for this skill is configured in airblast..
2) Airswipe - added a pull request to add this.
3) Bloodbending - added a pull request to add this. - Defaults to FALSE
4) Healingwaters applies the regeneration potion effect to the player / target, you can slow this down by increasing the interval in the config. There's probably a cap on how fast you can heal (limited to minecraft's regen potion effect). It looks like the default value is 750, which is 3/4 of a second. You might lower this to 250 and see if it heals any quicker.
5) Iceblast - Added iceblast blast radius to config. Ice spike does not affect IceBlast at all... Be sure your IceBlast config looks like this:
      Enabled: true
      Damage: 3
      Range: 20
      Description: 'This ability offers a powerful ice utility for Waterbenders. It
        can be used to fire an explosive burst of ice at an opponent, spraying ice
        and snow around it. To use, simply tap sneak (Default: Shift) while targeting
        a block of ice to select it as a source. From there, you can just left click
        to send the blast off at your opponent.'
6) Octopus Form - added pushFactor to config & to source. (Defaults to 1.75)
7) Added WaveRange to config/source (Defaults to 15)

I'll look at adding some more of this when I get a few mins hopefully these will help! :D
I dont understand at all, first off: are you a dev? Secondly i never mentioned IceBlast, i was talking about IceSpike. And i know Airburst fires multiple airblasts, but what if you want different ranges


Verified Member
I dont understand at all, first off: are you a dev? Secondly i never mentioned IceBlast, i was talking about IceSpike. And i know Airburst fires multiple airblasts, but what if you want different ranges
No I am not a PK dev.
Just someone whose capable of forking the project, adding the above changes and submitting them so they can be merged with the next update.

Secondly, My bad, I misread icespike, but as a result iceblast totally has a configurable blast range :p

If you want a different range for Airburst and Airblast the code has to be changed a bit more... I'll look into icespike and making airburst / blast have different range settings.


Verified Member
No I am not a PK dev.
Just someone whose capable of forking the project, adding the above changes and submitting them so they can be merged with the next update.

Secondly, My bad, I misread icespike, but as a result iceblast totally has a configurable blast range :p

If you want a different range for Airburst and Airblast the code has to be changed a bit more... I'll look into icespike and making airburst / blast have different range settings.
Awesome =D


Verified Member
1) Airburst does nothing more than create multiple airblasts around you or in a cone shape. Thus the range for this skill is configured in airblast..
2) Airswipe - added a pull request to add this.
3) Bloodbending - added a pull request to add this. - Defaults to FALSE
4) Healingwaters applies the regeneration potion effect to the player / target, you can slow this down by increasing the interval in the config. There's probably a cap on how fast you can heal (limited to minecraft's regen potion effect). It looks like the default value is 750, which is 3/4 of a second. You might lower this to 250 and see if it heals any quicker.
5) Iceblast - Added iceblast blast radius to config. Ice spike does not affect IceBlast at all... Be sure your IceBlast config looks like this:
      Enabled: true
      Damage: 3
      Range: 20
      Description: 'This ability offers a powerful ice utility for Waterbenders. It
        can be used to fire an explosive burst of ice at an opponent, spraying ice
        and snow around it. To use, simply tap sneak (Default: Shift) while targeting
        a block of ice to select it as a source. From there, you can just left click
        to send the blast off at your opponent.'
6) Octopus Form - added pushFactor to config & to source. (Defaults to 1.75)
7) Added WaveRange to config/source (Defaults to 15)

I'll look at adding some more of this when I get a few mins hopefully these will help! :D
Wait, What exactly is a pull request. And what do you mean with "added to source code" and "added to config"

Does it mean it will be in PK? :D


Verified Member
Wait, What exactly is a pull request. And what do you mean with "added to source code" and "added to config"

Does it mean it will be in PK? :D
A pull request is basically when he makes an edit, then he recommends it to Mist to add it to the actual plugin.


Verified Member
yes that's exactly what it is. For little changes like this which really affect nothing other than making things more configurable I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be included but it is entirely up to Mist to merge my edited code with the PK source.


Verified Member
yes that's exactly what it is. For little changes like this which really affect nothing other than making things more configurable I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be included but it is entirely up to Mist to merge my edited code with the PK source.
Could you also look into lavasurge and shockwave? Their config sucks, (needs damage for shockwave and lava surge)


Verified Member
Ill see if i cant work more or less all of your suggested config changes in. The next couple days / weekend are going to be busy for me!


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Plugin Developer
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I once made a thread about waterbendable blocks in the config, then you said it wasn't a good idea >,<
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