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Phasechange Upgrade

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Verified Member
This would conflict with the clicking to freeze water function, which would get annoying if you wanted to freeze stuff while in ice (I do this a lot).. Maybe it could use right-clicking on the block to thaw it individually... This way it wouldn't conflict with anything currently, and would add a function for right click.


Verified Member
The one true non-bender... you can't use watermanipulation on torrent and surge ice.
Weird o_O i had used watermanipulation while frozen in a surge dome ,which i used as a source to attack (i had no waterbottles in my inventory)


Verified Member
Probably of the lag that i did or smth ,amyway i completly understand why should this be implanted ,but would this have some kind of a cooldown or a downside while using this?


Verified Member
Probably of the lag that i did or smth ,amyway i completly understand why should this be implanted ,but would this have some kind of a cooldown or a downside while using this?
You have to keep your slot on phase change, the entire time.
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