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Denied Octopusform > Waterwave

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Verified Member
After Aang was struck by lightning, Katara in a emotional state caved in her octopusform and changed it into a tsunami like wave in order to stop Aang's fall. This would make it a combination move!
(skip to 4:06)

1) Use octopusform and hold shift
2)switch to surge
3)left click
This attack shouldn't do any damage, and its knockback should be higher than surge but of course configurable.
Cool down shouldn't be too long, a good 15-20 seconds is fine. The move it's self should last for 5 seconds unless the user releases shift, breaking the wave. The user should also be locked on a destination similar to catapult, so no curving.
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Verified Member
Good but instead of realese shift and left click, you left click while still holding shift for a set time or until you want to stop


Verified Member
The funny thing is, we still don't know exactly what octopusform does, all we know is that it can knock projectiles out of the air, and we can use it to grab someone's foot from underwater. So, octopusform is pretty much a mystery.


Verified Member
I think octopus form needs more uses, It's quite unusable during combat, With all of the ranged attacks coming out these days.
And the fact that you can air / water spout over the octopusform and then just kill the player while they are using it.
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