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Denied Octopusform combo!!


Verified Member
At least TRY to not insult, idc if you don't like the idea, just stop at that
I am not saying I don't like the idea, I AM saying the idea has already been added. And you probably want to edit those two posts together to save scroll space for everyone on YOUR thread.


Verified Member
Yes I do, I edit all the time
Then do you see a delete button on that? Using that is combination with the edit button can save a lot of scroll space, it is something you Green Beans have to learn eventually, or else things like 2 pages of threads space out into like 4 pages, maybe 5 pages,...
And yeah you are so judgmental, thinking that people can't do things without much proof but don't know they actually.
If you didn't know you could shield yourself by freezing yourself with torrent then you are a bending newb...Such as did you know you can fly over land(Over grass blocks, not snow), with a combination of surge, a bottle, and waterspout? Did you know you can climb up a wall with surge?


Verified Member
If you didn't know you could shield yourself by freezing yourself with torrent then you are a bending newb...Such as did you know you can fly over land(Over grass blocks, not snow), with a combination of surge, a bottle, and waterspout? Did you know you can climb up a wall with surge?[/QUOTE]
Well ik I can fly with surge and spout


Verified Member
Ask me any question about bending, I will know
How do you freeze people with surge then, hmm? How do you fly with surge shield, hmm? How can you make a taller then average earth grab, hmm? Did you know you can charge fireblast, fireburst, and lightning while in a firejet?
Hopefully you know that water benders can bend anywhere with an open mind and negate fall damage with the right knowledge
Not everywhere effectively. I hope you know that you can only use one watermaniatiion from a bottle at a time. A waterbender is going to have a hard time bending in a mesa biome.

Finally, what is the most effective way to give a player damage that is frozen in ice?

Anyways, you might want to start editing your posts together into one big post, since it looks like you are rage posting otherwise.
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Verified Member
1: tap shift when you do the wave side of surge while its touching someone,
2:do surge shield under spout and for protection freeze it and go above land and you will still do spout
3:honestly idk
4: octopusform
5: uhh duh, you just hold shift while using jet, a noob might even be able to do it


Verified Member
1: tap shift when you do the wave side of surge while its touching someone,
2:do surge shield under spout and for protection freeze it and go above land and you will still do spout
3:honestly idk
4: octopusform
1. You actually don't have to do it while it is touching someone, if click after using surge wave while it is still in the air it will freeze when it hits something.
2. Go up some blocks with waterspout, then use surge shield in front of you, then move it to underneath you, and then press the keys to the direction you want to go.
3. You can have a larger then average earthgrab by clicking raiseearth on a block that is under you, click with collapse, and immediately after shift earthgrab on the block that is beneath you.
4. Then how many hits would it take to kill somebody, by default, no mcmmo?
Do you even know how to redirect watermanipulation?


Verified Member
That last one: how am I suposed to know, mabey 4 hits the most, and plus you asked how you FREEZE PEOPLE not the surge, just people and with earth grab: all I can say is that I don't often use earth, just the other three, mainly fire and water


Verified Member
That last one: how am I suposed to know, mabey 4 hits the most, and plus you asked how you FREEZE PEOPLE not the surge, just people and with earth grab: all I can say is that I don't often use earth, just the other three, mainly fire and water
Do you know how to redirect lightning? And you could have at least said thank you for me telling you how to make a larger then average earthgrab.


Verified Member
If you didn't know you could shield yourself by freezing yourself with torrent then you are a bending newb
If you knew you could freeze yourself with Torrent to shield yourself, then why did you make a suggestion to implement the same thing?


Verified Member
that way I am not people '-'
You are at a lost water tribe, and have a deviantart page. You live in a anime as a extra character that isn't really a character but more a sack of human body parts lost in a crowd of other body parts that is obstructing a minor character that appeared in one episode only.