What is your server version? If it's 1.5.1 or 1.5.0, and 1.6+
You need to have latest version of world-guard installed on your server.
Check your server jars. For 1.5.0 It's compatible with version 1.7, with 1.6+ You need 1.8.
If you have the latest version of world-guard you need to do these following commands on your server, in the world your arena is located.
/rg flag __global__ TNT allow
/rg flag __global__ LIGHTER allow
Note: The "__global__" has two "__" Not One "_".
Additional Flags:
/rg flag __global__ BUILD allow - Allows players to build/destory and edit the land.
/rg flag __global__ PVP allow - Allows Pvp. PvP Enabled.
Make sure everything is up to date.
Try these. If these do not work, you need to find more help.