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Denied Non Air: Physics

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Verified Member

Basic idea:
Cause non airbenders to receive damage from powerful pushes and pulls when colliding with obstacles

Damage info:
<.> All air moves that launch a player in any given direction should deal 1 - 2 full hearts. (Airblast, airburst, airstream, airsweep, and etc.).

Additional info:
Players should receive a "damage period" after being pushed/pulled. This "damage period" is the window of time where they are able to receive damage from colliding objects. My opinion; the "damage period" will last 1 or 2 seconds, after being launched.

+ Improve air's overall effectiveness in combat
+ Gives additional use to moves such as airblast, and airburst.
+ 100% Cannon

- Extremely OP

Gif to help visualize:
Go hit yourself if you really need a gif to picture this. I am too tired to find one.

Please post feedback on what can be added/removed from the pros and cons lists! I was a little tired at the creation of this thread. So please assist my tired mind and think of some cons that can be added.


Verified Member
This has been suggested numerous times but the problem is the coding for it.
However, I do think that AirSuction and AirBlast should cause damage so rather than making an event to achieve this, a damage config for the two moves would probably be better.
(For those who disagree, keep in mind that AirSuction and AirBlast are both capable of sending players and other entities flying. In real life, the drastic changes in accelartion that these moves cause would lead to severe external and especially internal injuries.)
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