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NoCooldowns 1.0.0


Verified Member
Aztl submitted a new resource:

NoCooldowns - For people who don't feel like making all cooldowns 0

NoCooldowns is a very simple plugin that prevents all cooldowns from activating. This is meant to be a simpler alternative to going through the various config files you might have and making all cooldowns 0. In some cases, people want to try out the different moves without waiting a long time. This is for all of those people who are not only impatient but also too lazy to change all those numbers!

NoCooldowns was designed for ProjectKorra 1.9.0 and Spigot 1.16.x and hasn't been...
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New Member
Can you make it so only people in the Avatar State or people who are OP'ed or have a certain permission can do this? This would be useful for creating an almighty avatar that the rest of the players have to take down. It would be fun as the boss would be much stronger and no cooldowns but he would have to fight so many other people.