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Complete New water combo

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Verified Member
Alright so in the show, iroh showed a move called redirection, basically just a shift move that absorbs lightning and automatically charges lightning and shoot.

Usage:hold shift when lightning is shot by someone near by and realese to shoot back. Hope you like, more suggestions later :) btw that title I meant new fire move


New Member
1) lightning is fire.
2) lightning already does this (i think).
3) why would this need to be a combo?


Verified Member
I meant it to be fire move, and lightning isn't possible to block unless if you have a blockade or dodge, redirection would be like a defensive/offensive move.


Verified Member
And I'm a master at water, fire and air
I mean, I am not the best bender, simply because I don't bend anymore. If I kept bending and wasn't as rusty as I am now, then I would pretty much dominate. But the simple truth is I only get into one bending fight a week if I am lucky, I can't even remember the last time I fought against somebody, but I know my stuff. At the very least I would be a great bending teacher.


You can redirect lightning! If you're crouching when hit, your lightning is instantly charged, and you take no damage
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