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No one ever said we couldn't suggest new subelements so I'm gonna do this and see how it goes.
The new subelement: MUDBENDING (EW)
This is a special sub-element because both Earth and Water can use the moves that it grants. I've already suggested a move that fits into this category. And @Carbogen has made a move called MudSurge so I feel this sub-element would fit in well with the plugin and existing sub-elements.
PROOF THAT MUDBENDING EXISTS: (Check near 1:17 to see Katara mudbend and near the end to see Toph mudbend)



Verified Member
.............you like stole my thunder i posted on carbogen's mudslap that it should be able to be used by water and earth...and you put it down tell i showed you that video.....


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I will give credit where it's due, Soarinsorin helped in coming up with this.

Taiko the Waterbender

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Nice :D i just that there will people complaining with mud bcz "waterbenders only control the water inside the, they cantvbend really mud" then they post a picture of that general turning water into mud while katars was defending Avatar Aang... I want this new sub ;-;


Verified Member
Nice :D i just that there will people complaining with mud bcz "waterbenders only control the water inside the, they cantvbend really mud" then they post a picture of that general turning water into mud while katars was defending Avatar Aang... I want this new sub ;-;
there is literally proof in that video that Katara was bending the mud tho i really dont think people would complain about the new sub it adds in more diversity and maybe it being configurable if you think waterbenders shouldn't have it you can give it to just earth


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Personally I think mud should be a combined effort of earth and waterbenders. While they have done it in the show, it would be cooler to see a water and earth bender team up and start bending something you normally can't. Other examples would be water and air controlling clouds to create fog (Not hinting cloud bending, just an example.)


Verified Member
Just seems unnecessary, It's not special nor was it considered special in the series.
Your just bending the rocks in the liquid, Same as bending dirt.
Only thing that makes this even considerably cool is that its able to be bent by water too, which isn't that big of a deal.
Nor would there really be any sort of source for the waterbender to bend mud, I mean its not like Carbogen's where you just throw dirt and pretend its mud, water would need a serious source and this idea just doesn't supply any idea of a possible source nor do i even think that White could.

I just think that it wasn't properly thought out nor was it properly suggested, Not enough detail was given for my liking.


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Wow way to call me out. And good thing it's not the biggest deal that you don't like it.

Sources: Underwater dirt, dirt, podzol, snowy dirt. There are plenty of sources that could be used for both earthbending and waterbending. While earthbenders would need more moisture in the dirt than waterbenders because they can't bend the water itself, waterbenders could mudbend with most dirt sources by expanding the moisture inside the dirt. There are plenty of possiblities, you just have to be willing to think of them @coastyo.

What do you know? They might add mud as a block in the future.


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Totally different situation Ender. I like the idea of mud needing both a water and earth bender, but I would still like it to be a standalone subelement too as both Katara and Toph mudbent without either's assisstance


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Even if they did add a mud block, I'd personally leave it to be a source for water AND earth without making a deal out of sub-elements. If I had to pick one, though, it'd definitely just be earth, but making it a sub-element for what few uses it had in the series.. I'm not feeling it.


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There are plenty of possiblities, you just have to be willing to think of them @coastyo.
Simply because you can think of plenty of possibilities does not make this a good idea. Why is everyone on this huge kick to throw the word subelement onto every bending technique? Pretty soon we are gonna run out of colors to display the dozens of subelements.


Verified Member
Simply because you can think of plenty of possibilities does not make this a good idea. Why is everyone on this huge kick to throw the word subelement onto every bending technique? Pretty soon we are gonna run out of colors to display the dozens of subelements.
Probably because icebending...
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